Chapter 13

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Jessica's POV

Harry was having me followed?

"Of course he is!" I yelled as I gripped the steering wheel tighter.

I glanced every now and then in my rear view mirror to check if the grey sedan was still following me. It was never more than three car lengths behind me. Every twist and turn, they followed. Harry really couldn't give me a minute alone, could he?

I stopped at a 24 hour burger joint and went inside. At least the security didn't follow me inside. And the place was vacant except for the workers so there was another plus.

I ordered a bacon cheese burger with onion rings with chili and cheese over them. Gross right? Perks of being pregnant, everything sounds good even if it doesn't go together.

When I got my order I sat in a booth and ate slowly and occasionally sipping on my milkshake. I had my phone sitting in front of me. I was debating on wether or not I should call Harry and tell him to have his men leave. Or at the very lest tell them to quit gawking at me through the window. I didn't like to be watched while I ate.

I grabbed my phone with my greasy burger stained hands and unlocked it but it was still on the text I could swear was from Josh. I wanted to call it and see if it really was Josh. I wanted to talk to him and.... Wait, no I dont! Or I shouldn't atleast. I needed to stay out of his life and he would be smart to do the same.

But apart of me wanted the truth. Why was he there that night at the studio? Was he protecting me and killing off all of Tim's goons? And if he was, then why?

I took a deep breathe as more questions flooded my mind. I starred at the phone and pressed call.

What was I doing?

I placed the phone to my ear slowly and clenched my eyes shut, whispering 'please don't answer'

"Jessica?" A voice sounded from the other line.


"Josh?" I whispered as if I was afraid someone would hear me.

There was silence. Then I heard a sigh from the other line. I waited in anticipation for him to speak up.

"Jessica, you know Harry will murder the both of us if he finds out you called me." He said sounding frustrated.

"So it is you! Josh please tell me it isn't you killing all those men?" I pleaded.

There was more silence and there was my answer. I put my hand over my mouth from letting my terrified gasp slip.

"Why josh?" I asked after I slightly pulled myself together.

"It's for you. I'm trying to make up for what I did. I know nothing will ever truly erase it but I'm doing everything I can to earn you and Harry's forgiveness. If that's even possible." He whispered his last sentence.

"Harry wants to put you away for those murders." I blurted.

"He...he can if he wants. But not till I'm done making this place as safe as possible for you and your kid." He said and then there was a click.

He hung up.

I sighed as I locked my phone and sank in my booth. I put my head in my hands. Why was this bothering me so much? I shouldn't give a flyin flip if josh goes to jail. But for some reason, I do.

I have to get back to Harry and stop him. If anything, I should let Josh finish what he's set out to do, no matter how much I'm against it.

I grabbed my things and quickly rushed to my car. I got in and sped off and back to my mothers cabin. Of course the sedan was only feet away from my car. Geez what did Harry think I was going to do? Go smoke pot with a bunch of gang bangers? Uh, no.

I got back to my mothers house quicker than had I got away from it. I parked my car quickly and got out. I ran inside and found Harry sitting on the couch with his phone pressed to his ear.

I cleared my throat to make my presence know. He looked at my with relief.

"Thank you officer. I have to go." He said and hung up the phone.


Harry stood up and walked over to me. Soon he stood in front of me. I crossed my arms and looked away from his eyes. Harry wasn't having that. He lifted my chin and forced me to look into his eyes.

"I was worried about you." He said softly as he swiped the back of his hand across my cheek.

"Psh. Why should you of been? You had me followed so you knew i was safe." I said, angry and I wasn't letting him off so easily on that.

He sighed and dropped his hands but I kept my eyes on him.

"I'm sorry. I just.."

"Are over protective and can't give a hormonal, pregnant woman a minute alone." I hissed.

He looked at me funny and cracked a smile.

"You got the hormonal part right." He said with a cheeky grin.

I couldn't help but get lost in his beautiful green eyes and fall for his smile all over again. I nudged him with my elbow and dropped my arms. I walked past him and towards the spare bedroom we were sharing. I turned around and look at his amused face.

"Well come on hubby. This hormonal lady is suddenly desiring her sexy husband." I said and gave him a wink.

He chuckled and walked towards me. He picked me up bridal style and pressed his smooth lips to mine. I was now craving him more than food for once. He pushed open our bedroom door with his foot and walked towards the bed, laying me down carefully.

Tomorrow i would ask about who he was on the phone with. For now, I just want to enjoy my husband and relax.

For now...

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