Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

They took Jessica in for surgery almost an hour ago. Niall and I were forced by hospital security to stay in the waiting room. Every second that I didn't know how things were, I died a little. I had no clue if Jess was okay and I had no clue if my son was either.

After awhile, Niall fell asleep from the nights worrying and exhaustion. I on the other couldn't rest until I knew how my family was. I just sat there. Staring at those double doors and waiting for a doctor to walk out a d give me good news.

I was on the edge of a depression breakdown when the double doors opened. Out walked two doctors. Their emotions were unreadable.

"Mr. Styles?" One tall dark skinned man called out.

I pushed Niall's shoulder to wake him before I stood up and walked towards the doctors, Niall followed shortly.

"Is my son okay? Is Jess?" I asked as calmly as I could, tears brimming at the surface.

"There's good and bad news." A doctor said and then looked at his other partner.

"Your wife and son are alive. Your baby was early and he had found his way in a tangled mess with his cord. He came out unstable and unresponsive. He had to be opened up and our cardio doctor performed open heart surgery because his heart gave out." The doctor paused, letting me take it all in.

But how do you take all that in?

"But h-he's alive and okay. Right?" Niall asked for me.

"Yes but we fear that he will be autistic and will have difficulties in everyday life. But he is alive and stable. So is Jessica. She should be awake any minute now." The doctor replied.

I immediately pulled myself together for Jess and followed the doctors while Niall waited back in the waiting room.

As the doctors came to a stop, I realized we were standing right on front of Jessica's door. I took a deep breath before walking in. I slowly walked in, closing the door behind me.

I saw Jessica silently asleep in the hospital bed. A small smile came upon my face just at the sight of her. Even after being cut open, she was still breath-takingly beautiful.

I sat down in a pale blue chair right next to her, and taking her hand in mine. I lightly pressed my lips to her knuckles and as if my kiss was all she needed, her eyes opened and she stirred a bit in her bed.

"H-harry?" She croaked, dry mouthed.

"Sshh. Ill get you some water." I gave her some water before saying anything else.

She drank like that was the last drink she'd ever have.

"Wh-where's our son?" She asked weakly.

"He's...he's in recovery. His heart gave out on him." I replied.

"But, he's okay now." I assured before she could freak out.

"I want to see him." She said.

"Okay, love. Ill call a nurse in."

I picked up her remote buzzer that signaled a nurse and a minute later one entered.

I got up and met the nurse at the door.

"May I help you sir?" She asked.

"Yes, my wife and I would like to see our son please." I said.

"I'm sorry sir but your son can't be unhooked from his tubes. And your wife is in no condition to get out of bed but you may go see him if you'd like." The nurse replied then walked out.

I sighed and looked back at Jessica. She had fallen back asleep so I decided to go see our son while she was out and then break the bad news to her.

I shot a text to Niall to meet me I'm the NICU to see the baby.

I made my way slowly to the NICU and found Niall arguing with a nurse there.

"..And I'm telling YOU," he poked her shoulder, "I am the baby's uncle!" He said to the nurse.

She was about his height, brown wavy hair, pale skin.

"Hey hey! What's going on?" I interrupted before the nurse flipped her lid.

"Who are you?" She asked and immediately she realized who I was.

"Mr. Styles! I'm so so sorry. Would you like to see your son?" She asked, forgetting about Niall

I smiled at her as she handed me a pale pink paper gown.

"Yes, may by brother come as well." I asked, referring to Niall.

She sighed and threw one at him as well, he smirked and put his on.

"I know you two aren't really related." She said matter of factly as we walked into the NICU.

Niall chuckled while I just smiled, neither of us replying to her.

We walked past a few babies b'fore finally stopping. I walked over to the bed my son was lying in. He was small and lying inside a protective thick plastic bin that had gloves you could put your hands in to touch him. I'd seem my fair share of doctor shows to know he had to be in there to keep him from being exposed to other germs after a surgery. But none the less, it broke my heart to see my small, pink baby boy hook up to several different machines and not breathing on his on.

I feel in love with him at just one look though.

"I'll leave you two alone." The nurse spoke softly.

"Thank you..." I looked at her name tag, "Savannah." I said and smiled.

She smiled back and walked away.

"I like that nurse." Niall mentioned as she walked away.

I chuckled a bit before completely turning my attention to my son.

He might been hooked up to different machines and even mentally disabled but he was perfect. He was a living, breathing testimony of a miracle.

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