Chapter 2

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Jessica's POV

I jumped off the counter and ran past Harry and up the stairs. I had to do something but no doubt it was already to late. I turned on the shower anyways. Maybe I could wash it out and I won't get pregnant.

Ah, who am I kiddin? Sperm reaches any eggs within a second, all the washing and praying wasn't going to help me now.

Oh! There is a pill that is supposed to stop pregnancy. It's called a plan b pill I think. But do they have those in London? I doubt it. But it's worth a try. After I was up, I'll go to every drug store I can find.

"Jess? What are you doing?"

Harry's voice snapped me back into reality. And in reality I was standing in the shower with my dress still on but soaking wet, and cold instead of hot water bearing down on the top of my head.

He walked over and stepped in with me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I... I... I don't want to be pregnant." I admitted.

"Obviously. I thought you had went mental on me for a second." He said and unzipped my dress.

"I think I did go crazy for a minute." I admitted as I lifted my arms up so Harry could pull off my soaking wet dress.

He reached around and added some hot water to balance out the cold water. He kissed the top of my head then stepped out.

"Harry? Where are you going?" I asked.

He smiled at me while he took off his wet vest.

"Giving you a minute to yourself. Ill order some take out and a few movies." He said sweetly.

"You're an incredible husband, Harry. Even if you did get me knocked up." I joked.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders then walked out.

I closed my eyes and let the water run down my body. I put my hands on my stomach.

If I was pregnant, I wouldn't know for about two weeks. My period is next week and if I miss it....well most likely, a mini styles is on its way.

Well that's if it survives 9 months inside of me...

Harry's POV

I walked down back to the kitchen to find my phone. It was right besides the box of condoms.


If I could, I'd sue the Trojan company. But, they do warn about condom breaking. I stopped thinking about the stupid condoms and picked up my phone.

Four missed calls from Paul, two texts from Paul, and one text from Niall.

I check Paul's first.

From: Big Daddy Paul

Harry answer your phone!

From: Big Daddy Paul

I guess I'll be taking my wife on your anniversary date. Wrap it up.

Even Paul knew why we didn't show at the restaurant. Moving on to Niall's text.

From: Niall

Hey mate, is the wife mad at me for rating her out?

To: Niall

Idk but I know how you can make it up to her!

Niall was a sucker for wanting to make things right with people and I wasn't in the mood for leaving the house to get food and movies.

From: Niall


I smiled. See, so eager. One reason to love Niall.

To: Niall

How about picking up some nandos and go get the latest movies out on DVD.

I put my phone down and walked back upstairs. I needed to get some dry clothes on. Once I was in dry clothes, Jess was getting out of the shower. I took the liberty of getting out some clothes for her to put on.

"Thanks hubby." She said as she walked past me and grabbed the clothes.

Once she was dressed, she laid back on the bed and I joined her. We were silent for a moment. Till she broke the ice.

"What if this baby dies too?" She asked while starring up at the ceiling.

"If you are in fact pregnant, I think he or she will make it. Circumstances are different this time." I said as I looked at her worried face.

"Yeah you're right. I just don't think I can live through that experience again." She shut her eyes, squeezing them tight to keep the tears locked in.

I closed mine for a second too and sighed before I heard the door bell.

Perfect timing Niall.

"Hey will you go get that? I need to take a wiz." I lied.

I wanted to see how she reacted to Niall being at the door. I know, mean but it was going to be a good laugh.

She smiled and got up. I let her walk down the stairs before I jumped up and followed down.

Jessica's POV

I turned the door knob and opened the door. But no one was there.


I stepped outside and still saw no one and the darkness of night wasn't helping the panicky feeling I was getting when I could hear footsteps in the grass but couldn't see a soul.

"Who's there?" I said like the stupid white girl in all scary movies do.

I should go back inside. But no, I grabbed a metal pole thingy by the wall outside of the front door and started walking towards the sound of some one breathing and moving around.

"SURPRISE!" Someone yelled and I swung.

Knocking out whoever the hell just jumped out of the bush. Then Harry came running out with a flash light. I heard groaning as I lifted the pole again to hit the mystery person again.

"Wait! Wait! It's me!" A familiar voice yelled from under me.

Harry got there just in time to flash the light and reveal the mystery man.

"Niall!?" I yelled as I lowered the pole.

Harry held out his hand and helped Niall up. Niall brushed his clothes off and grabbed two bags and walked past us and into the house.

"I think he's mad." Harry commented as we stayed outside and watched Niall walk in.

"Mad!? He's mad?! He's the one that snu.."

I was cut off by a sharp pain in my back or maybe my shoulder and a loud bang sound. My ears were ringing. I could see Harry and Niall in front of me but I couldn't hear them. Like in movies where bombs go off and the main character can't hear what people are saying, yeah that's how I felt. Everything got dizzy. Harry was shaking my body. Then he pulled away and I saw blood on one of his hands.


I looked down towards my shoulder and put my opposite hand to where I felt the aching pain.

It was wet and a little sticky. I pulled my hand away and saw blood. The same blood from Harry's hand.

Did I just get shot?

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