Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Harry's POV

Paul and I stepped outside of Jessica's room to talk freely.

"So you're telling me the person that sent someone to shoot my wife is a chick?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes but she's not just any woman Harry. Her name is Francis Ocean but she goes by Fran. She is an assassin. She was trained by the United States government to kill and take out terrorists or anyone that opposed as a threat to America. But four years ago, she went rogue. She killed an entire agency of men and took out the secretary of defense. She is a most wanted fugitive in America and last they heard of her was three months ago when she killed a man in the Iran government. She is lethal Harry. She won't stop at just Jessica, you and the boys are most likely targeted too." Paul said with concern.

I ran both my hands through my hair and leaving them at the back of my neck. How was I going to protect my wife from this psychotic woman?

"What do we do?" I asked Paul.

"Change your identities and let the Americans place you all in witness protection." He said.

I laughed but stopped when I noticed Paul wasn't.

"Are you serious? We are an international boy band, we can't go anywhere without being noticed." I said to Paul.

"That's why you're going to have to make some changes. For starters, the hair...has to go." He said softly.

"My hair?!?" Hell no I wasn't cutting it.

"Harry for five seconds grow up and think! Your wife, your brothers, are in danger and if cutting your hair so you aren't easily noticed helps then you need to do it."

I knew he was right. It was only hair, it would grow back.

"Fine. What else?"I asked as I folded my arms in defeat.

"Colored contacts. We'll change your hair color and eye color. Your going to need to wear shirts that cover your tattoos. But not clothes you'd normally wear. Also, we'll be getting you guys a speech coach to teach y'all how to speak in American accents." He finished.

That was a lot to digest. We would have to become totally different people. No doubt they'd split us all up too.

I sighed while I continually ran my hands through my hair. It was a nervous tick and a habit. God knows ill be lost without my hair.

"I let you think about it for a moment, Harry." Paul said and walked away.

I sunk down onto the wall in the hallway.

I thought this was all over. Jess and I had finally moved on and our lives were normal and we were happy. Now a psychotic idiot is out there looking for us and trying to kill us all.

I leaned my head back on the wall and closed my eyes to think more but I couldn't. A voice was calling my name.

"Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry!"

My eyes shot open.

I was back in my room at my flat. I sat up and looked around. I looked over and saw Jessica looking at me funny. I grabbed her shoulders and checked them. No wound. No stitches. She was fine. We weren't at the hospital.

It was a dream. A terrible and horrifying dream.

"Harry are you okay?" Jessica asked.

"I'm perfect. I had this bloody awfulness dream but that's all it was, a dream."

"Uhh. Okay. Well you fell asleep and Niall and Liam came over. I ate the nandos you had Niall pick up with them and we watched movies. I came back upstairs and you were in a panic." She said.

"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to fall asleep." I said as I stretched out towards her, encouraging her to lay down in my arms.

She did just what I wanted and tangled her legs with mine and laid her head on my chest after pulling the duvet up to our waists.

"I love you." I whispered, closing my eyes.

"I love you more." She whispered back.

"Happy Anniversary, love." I said and drifted back into sleep and this time without dreaming that someone was after us.

Jessica's POV

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and the sun shining into our bedroom. I pulled down Harry's pillows to my torso and cuddled with them, trying to get more sleep but it was no use. I got up and went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I went downstairs and I smelt a familiar smell of bacon as I got closer to the kitchen.

I found Harry bare chested and in only a pair of tight boxers, cooking breakfast. He had his guitar that I had been teaching him how to play better on the counter with notebook paper next to it.

I walked over to him, kissed his cheek, and walked over to his mess he'd made with paper. I looked over the pages, scribbled notes and chords were scattered on the pages. I picked up the guitar and started to play the chords.

"This is a pretty melody. Did you write it on your own?" I asked.

He kept cooking but answered me.

"Uh, no. Actually you did. Kinda."

"What?" I said confused.

"In my dream you hummed that same melody." He said and laughed while he ran his hands through his hair.

"If I find your hair in my eggs I'm gunna hurt you." I said as I set the guitar down and walked over to my giggling husband.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.

"Are you going to tell me what this dream of yours is all about?" I asked while I rested my head on his back and traced over his v-line.

" was a nightmare." He hesitated.

"You had been shot by a messenger for one of Tim Oceans twin. But the twin was actually a woman and she was an assassin and we had to change our identities and shave my head." He said speeding through the story.

"Wow. That was a nightmare. I mean you shave your head?" I paused as I let go of Harry and he turned to look at me.

I faked shivered and said, "So scary."

Harry laughed and nudged my shoulder.

"Ah, shut up. At least I didn't get shot." He said turning back to his cooking.

"Battle wounds baby!" i cheered as i flexed my non existent muscles.

Harry looked over and laughed at me.

"Oh, apparently I wrote a damn good song in your dream so i'd say it wasn't all that bad for me." I said as I walked into the dinning room to wait for my breakfast.

I took my phone out and got on twitter. I scrolled through my notifications. People in America were still trending Harry and I's anniversary. I followed a little over 50 girls trending our anniversary then Harry brought out my plate and his. He ran back into the kitchen and seconds later brought out tea and juice.

"Well aren't I a lucky woman this morning. Breakfast and juice all in one morning." I said sarcastically.

"Don't get used to it." He joked.

He went to start eating but I popped his hand.

"Pray first then eat, love." I said and closed my eyes.

Harry groaned a bit but stopped as I blessed out breakfast and day. Harry had half his food eaten a minute after I said Amen. I snuck a picture of him and tweeted.

@jess_styles: Blessed to wake up to a hunk like you every morning❤ @Harry_Styles

A/N: Haha I had y'all alllllll goin! You think i'd let her get shot only 2 chapters into the story lol. Anyways please continue to read Cure and even my completed fanfic, Fifty Shades Of Niall. Thanks loves xxxxx

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