Chapter 11

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Weeks passed by since we made our big news public. Harry and I have now been on the front page of every magazine, trending in the social media world, and been scheduled interview after interview. But to top it all off I was now closing every show in America with Niall. It was safe to say, I was exhausted.

Being pregnant was supposed to be a beautiful experiences but I was tired all the time, throwing up during the night, and wanting to eat everything in sight. My hormones are on their own roller coaster. One minute I'm happy, then I'm upset, then I'm angry and Harry was in the line of fire.

But we are finally getting a couple of days off and going to stay with my mom. Or at least that was the plan till she ran off with her Australian yoga instructor for the weekend. She was kind enough to leave us the spare keys to her tiny and cozy cabin she's been living in since my dad died.

"Let's get a winter cabin, love." Harry proposed as I was sitting in the den, stuffing my face with buffalo wings.

"Sure." I said, mouthful of food.

"Jess, don't talk with food in your mouth." Harry said in a fatherly tone and rolled his eyes.

I smiled without showing my teeth because my mouth currently occupied two boneless honey BBQ wings. I swallowed my food before I talked again.

"Oh, I have an appointment tomorrow with my new baby doctor. He's from my hometown. Ill just fly to see him every so often." I said to Harry but a musty newspaper held his attention so he hasn't heard a word I said.

His face looked concentrated as he read fiercely what was on the page in front of him. I studied how his expressions changed with every sentence he read while I scarfed down a few more wings.

"Bloody hell.." Harry breathed, his face in total shock.

"What is it?" I asked in between chewing and Harry hasn't noticed.

It must be serious.

"Four men were found dead only 10 miles from where Tim had you locked up." He said still with his eyes glued to the paper.

I was confused as to why it was so significant on the location.


"They never caught the murder but.." Harry paused.

I stopped eating and looked at him, waiting for him to finish. He looked up at me and his emotions were unreadable.

" remember how Tim's men scattered the night I found you?" He said, obviously pained by the memory due to the tone in his voice.


"And you know how known of them were ever caught?"

I nodded.

"Those four men...they...they were some of Tim's men."

I gasped. My hands flew to my mouth. Someone was killing off Tim's men. But who?

I thought of the possible people that would have a motive to but then it dawned on the.

Josh's text.

"Harry." I said feeling faint and a bit overwhelmed by my discovery.

"Yes, love?" He asked, putting the paper down and putting my wings on the floor so he could wrap me in his arms.

"I..I think that.."

"Think what Jess?"

I took a deep breath.

"I.. Josh. Josh killed those men."

Harry looked at me like I was crazy. Truth be told, I felt a little crazy but I had the text to prove my accusations.

"He texted me that night we announced the pregnancy. I.. I didn't want to alarm you so I didn't tell you." I was almost whispering.

I was to afraid to look at Harry but I knew he was beyond pissed.

"May I see the text." His question was more of a demand than a question.

I pulled out my phone and showed him Josh's text. Harry held my phone tightly. I gained the courage to look at his face. It was boiling red and his eyes didn't even look like his eyes.

"Jess, we have to tell the police." Harry stated through clenched teeth.


"But what?" He said, angrier than ever.

"He..he... He's protecting us."

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