Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I laid on the stage with Niall and Liam while Harry, Zayn, and Louis went to get us lunch. We were currently in Wisconsin, home of the cheese heads.

Niall and Liam were carrying on small talk and I couldnt hold back my feelings on the Josh topic anymore.

"I'm a magnet." I said, interrupting their conversation.

"A magnet for what?" Niall ask as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"Like everything bad is attracted to me. Rapist. Murders. Crack heads and etc." I said and sighed as I looked up at the arena ceiling.

"I don't think you're a magnet for bad things. Bad things just happen to people. Sometimes more than once." Liam said.

"Yeah, what he said. Or maybe it's just pervy guys you attract." Niall said which probably was true.

"I don't know why! There are so many other girls out there. I mean, not that I want anyone to have to go through what I've been through but, I'm not the only pretty girl in the world." I said as I sat up and looked at my best friends laying beside me.

"Like I said, you can't stop bad things from popping up. It's just all how you deal with it that matters." Liam said as he sat up and slung his arm around me.

"You're right but.... How do I deal with Josh? Please don't tell Harry, but I think Josh came to the studio that night for a reason. It wasn't to finish what he started. It was almost like he'd been....looking out for me maybe?" I said and feeling like I was sounding dumb.

"Why wouldn't you want us to tell Harry?" Niall asked.

"He'd freak. You of all people should know that. If he knew there was a deeper motive for Josh to come back, knowing I'd never want to see him. Then Harry would flip a lid." I said as a warning.

If josh was there for what I thought he was, protection, then Harry would feel less of a man and then get ticked off about Josh even more.

"Have you really forgiven Josh?" Niall asked.

"I forgive him. But ill never forget. Never." I said softly.

Just then I heard Harry's deep laughter and that signaled they were back.

"Lunch!" Zayn yelled, dangling McDonalds bags over his head.

Niall and Liam jumped up and off the stage quickly while I took my precious time walking over to them. Harry sat in a seat in the front row with our food. He took out two big macs, two large fries and handed me a coke and he had a water.

"It makes no sense for you to drink water if you're going to eat this greasy food." I said, humored by his drink choice.

Harry just laughed and dug into his burger. Less than ten minutes later, we were all done and Niall was searching for bag layers in everyone's bag.

The boys got on stage to practice. Well, it was more like watching little kids play fight on the jungle gym.

Niall at one point looked at me, pointed to Harry's saggy skinnies, and winked at me. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laugh for I knew what Niall was up too. Durning Harry's solo on WMYB, Niall pulled down his pants but it ended up being his boxers too. I busted out laughing while Harry scurried to pull up his pants and chase Niall around on stage.

In the middle of my laughter, I felt this tightening twist in my stomach. I was feeling sick to my stomach and needed to lay down but it was to late. I ran to the nearest trash can and threw up every last bit of the Big Mac and fries I had just eaten.

Harry quit chasing Niall and ran over to me. He held my hair back as I continued to spill my guys into the trash can. I'm not sure what the others did but they all got really quiet. Once I was finished, Harry handed me some wet paper towels someone went and got me.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked sounding worried.

"Yea. I think I was laughing too much after just eating a big meal." I said.

Harry nodded his head and rubbed my back.

"I'm going to go to the women's restroom and clean up." I told Harry.

Harry smiled but started to walk with me. Oh right, last time he let me walk around in an arena by myself I was taken. I grabbed my purse and walked with Harry to the bathroom. We got to the door and I turned to Harry.

"Can I have a minute alone?" I asked.

Harry scrunched up his face but sighed and took a few steps back. I have him a weak smile and walked in the bathroom. I set my purse down and turned on the faucet. I let the cool water sink in and took a few deep breaths. I turned to get a paper towel but knocked over my purse.

My phone, wallet, makeup, and a box of pregnancy test spilled out. I shoved everything back in but froze at the box of test. It had been almost a month since Harry and I's little heated encounter at the studio. And I barely noticed I hadn't started my period till now.

"Oh my God." I whispered and quickly tore open the box and took out a test.

I went into the stall and took the test. I set it on the counter by the sinks and waited. It took three minutes. But I didn't have three minutes with my impatient husband on the other side of the door telling me to hurry every five seconds. I just prayed he wouldn't walk in.

Three minutes were up. I walked to the counter slowly, mu sweaty hands shaking as I grabbed the test.

I froze.

Harry walked in. He came up behind me.

"Jess what's taking so lo... Oh my God..." Harry said sounding as shocked as I felt.

This had to be a dream..

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