Chapter 17×Who make you smile?×

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Jamal POV

I watched as Brea used one hand to drive and the other to wipe away tears that streamed from her eyes. Even tho I diddint know why I'm pretty sure at had something to to do with are nosey ass mama usually she what are mom had to say wouldn't get to her,but with her being hormonal I think everything gets to her now.

."Bb you cool?" I asked already knowing the answer "yeah" I shook my head "you should've let me drive with you in this estate."

"Look Jamal I'm cool"

"Ok then why you crying"

" life" she said throwing her head down on the steering wheel as we came to a red light.

"Maybe you'll feel better if you explain everything from the beginning."

"Ok.... August alsina was the one I met first at a party with Kelly."

"Typical" I rolled my eyes

"We found are selves back at his place but diddint do anything. We became best friends and I even moved in with him. Then that's when we started messing around on the regular. But lil did I know he had a girl. So he broke it off cause he diddint have any strings attached like I Did. I was heart broken that's when I met Tyga.

He helped me through the pain and showed me how Aug seen the situation. Then when we all went to Vegas with August for his 6 month tour me and him went out a lot. And that's how we hit it off. Then 2months later I was pregnant. He moved me in with him and out with August. He brought another car to go along with the one I already got. Then a key and announced us to the public and the baby.

Then talked me into keeping the baby. He told me how much he loved me, he proposed I said yes of course. He told me I was his one and only and he was mind too......then yesterday. He asked me to plug his phone up. Then some bitch texted him while I had it and I texted as him and got all the dirt that I needed to prove that he was cheating. I couldn't stay the night with him even tho he diddint know I knew but still.

So I went over to Augusts and it turns out he was hurting too. His girl the one he left me alone for was engaged to be married with a baby boy. And he ain't know nothing.

We both broke down and after that I could feel the sexual and vulnerable region in the air. So I spoke up he rejected and started acting all like rude and angry so i decided to leave. I he thought it was because he diddint want to fuck but it was more than that. And to be honest I don't love Tyga like I do August.

I feel like I've known him my entire life sense the beginning. And some days I wish I was pregnant by August and married and snuggling on the couch with him at the end of the day."

"not you with tyga" I asked curiously.

" he.... he always on tours and taking interviews. Which leaves me in a dark depressing room with silk sheets that you would think are comfortable but are itchy.....and the pillow you lay head on is cold". She choked up

She gripped the steering wheel rubbing her hands up and down on it while tears stream down her face. She closed her eyes for a second then opened them and took a small breath. Then smiled "but then August comes over and brightens the day. He cooks for me and cleans when I can't.

He watches movies with me and cuddle up with me and rubs my stomach. He even some times spend the night and fills in that's empty space on the other side of the bed. And when he's there the room is good temperature. And the sheets are nice and cozy." She giggled.

I smiled at her "so why don't you just go for this August guy he seems to make you more happy"

She smiled wider. "Well he does doesn't he ......but I can't" she shook away her smile.


"Cause first I'm with Tyga second pregenet by Tyga and third mad at August ooh and four if I break up with him where am I gonna stay and I sure's hell ain't living wit ma."

"Okey first off you can't be with him if he's not with you second off I'll go with you so y'all can make up and squash all this petty shit cause as for as I'm concerned y'all two are in love with each other.

three so what if your pregenet from him fuck that nigga you can have co-parenting and joint custody. And seems like August wouldn't mind helping with the baby. And fourth you got money and me I'll loan yhu money to buy something nice to live in"

She nodded "so what your saying is me and Tyga threw?"

"I knocked on the window "case close and no returning and end of discussion your free to go" I opened the sun roof and turned the music up loud on my music track. While Brea drove with a big happy to be free smile on her face.

Lord know baby girl needed it. I wanna meet this August dude.

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