Chapter 18

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One gun after another. Rogue and Dillon's were making sure the armory was ready for use. Sharpening knives, loading guns, testing brass knuckles, etc. At the moment they were focusing on guns. Long range weapons seemed more important while they hide out. She noticed Dillon glance at her every now and then. It made her feel all fuzy and warm inside. Which was a great feeling.

"Ok is there something on my face or?" Rogue asked

Dillon laughed checking another gun before turning to face her.

"No it's just you're so beautiful"

Rogue looked around furiously hoping that none of the gang was around. Luckily no one was.

"What?" he asked

"I don't want the rest of The Widow's to know just yet"

"Oh ok that's alright"

He grabbed a rock and began to sharpen pocket knives. Rogue could tell something was bothering him, and the fact something bothered him, bothered her. So she had to know.

"Dillon what's wrong?"

"I don't know" he replied, "it's just you trusted Nash so much and was so open with the gang about him. So why am I different?"

Why was he different? Rogue didn't have an answer. Was it because she truly didn't trust him at all? Was it because of how Nash had treated her? Maybe it was because all that happened the last time he was around her. He was so cocky and arrogant and full of himself, but he has changed so that must not be it. She thought up a answer quickly so he wouldn't leave without an explanation. The answer that seemed the most relevant was Nash.

"I guess because of how things turned out with Nash"

"But I'd never hurt you like he did"

"Nash didn-"

"Belle told me about what he did" he cut Rogue off, "it was as selfish as what I did, except I apologized"

"Could we stop talking about Nash" Rogue felt her emotions changing at the sound of his name

"Fine" Dillon replied, "why won't you just trust me?"

"Because Dillon think of every relationship I've been in!"

His face softened. He stopped talking. He could see the hurt in her eyes. Like everything that happened between them came back to her.

"You were an ass when I dated you!" Rogue yelled, "and Nash left me for Cameron! For damn Cameron Dallas! Who's also an ass!"

She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as all of the Aces memories came flooding back. She couldn't talk anymore. Her throat became dry as a knot became noticeable in her throat. Tears rolled down her face as Dillon wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his lap. He hushed her softly as she slightly cried into her chest. Not just Nash's memories came back, but Cameron's, Aaron's, Matt's, everyone she had ever been around in the Aces came back. Including her own. Everything she had ever done for the Aces came back. Haunting her like a ghost. After a few minutes Dillon picked her up carrying her to their room. Not wanting anyone from her gang to see her cry.

Snake Eyes looked out her window. Her mind wandering farther than her body could ever reach. She was thinking about being with Matt. HIs strong arms wrapped around her small body. Somewhere safe and sound away from the Hounds or Widow's. Maybe a suburb with nice neighbor's and a good family. Kids in the back yard playing while her and Matt supervised. No worries. No fighting. No hurt.

"Snake Eyes?"

"Snake Eyes?"

She was pulled back to Earth as she turned to see the two Jacks staring back at her. She could almost kill them for pulling her out of such a great place. She felt her heart shattering at the reality in front of her.


"We wanted to know if you wanted anything to eat" Johnson said

"Yeah starving doesn't sound very good" Gilinsky chuckled

"No thanks"

They nodded and Gilinsky strutted out of the room. Johnson remained looking at her droopy eyes. Sadness took up every inch of her pupils. It was very obvious to him what she thrived for. Matt Espinosa.

"He has a picture"

She tuned in very suddenly. Knowing exactly who he was speaking of.

"Of you and him" he started, "and uh everyday he'd look at it mumbling to himself 'I should've never left her, never'. I told him that if he really wanted to be with you everything would turn out in the end, but he didn't believe me. Cameron has broke him of ever thinking he'd see you again. I never agreed with it. I never stopped it either. It's like Cameron finds enjoyment in torturing Matt by using you. It makes me sick. But I promise one day you will be with him again."

Her eyes began to water at the words of the small blonde. She had thought that Matt had abandoned their memories together, but she guessed separation only made him think of them more. She nodded.

"Thank you Johnson" Snake Eyes said, her voice cracking

He nodded before exiting the room. Leaving Snake Eyes alone with her window and her fairytale day dream of Matt.



I'm sorry it's so short! Don't be mad! It's because I ran out of ideas for this chapter so! I'm for sure you guys will love what I have in mind for the story! Just hang with me.


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