Chapter 23

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"What's wrong?"

Rogue stared at her hands. Concentrating on the lines in her palms. Sammy and Fox had went to the store a few minutes ago. They were getting to be really good friends again. Rogue was happy that everyone except The Hounds were getting along.

A dip in the bed brought Rogue back to reality. She looked up at a concerned Dillon.

"Nothing I'm fine" she replied shrugging and tugging her hand through her hair

"That's a lie"

"No it's not"

"Rogue please"

She licked her dry lips bringing moisture to then for a short period of time. There was something wrong, but Rogue didn't want anyone to worry. Especially Dillon. She needed him to be ok. She needed him in case something worse happens to her. She couldn't have him focused on only her pain right now.

"Nothing Dillon I'm fine"

He seemed to give up. Wrapping his arms around her waist he dragged her closer to him. He kissed her temple. He knew something was wrong with her, but he wasn't going to pull on a thread. He was jus going to comfort her. Be a supporting guy she deserved. Unlike that piece of shit Nash. He tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked up at him.

"Thank you" she said barely above a whisper

He smiled slightly and moved her into his lap. He placed a soft kiss behind her ear before Rogue decided to speak again.

"Am I a bad person?" she asked

He moved to face her with a slightly shocked face.

"Hell no! What makes you say that?"

"Well here's these guys that attempted to kill my family many times and I just let them waltz in"

"Maybe they'll change"

"You don't believe that"

"Maybe not"

She looked at him pouting a little.

"Rogue you made this decision so I'm sure it's the right one"

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close. He gladly returned the hug as someone slammed the door open. There stood Cameron. Rogue was immediately up on her feet. In his face. Dillon was behind her waiting for what might happen.

"What do you want?" Rogue snarled

"I meant to come ask where we might get food, but seems as though I walked in on a snog fest" he chuckled

"Need I remind you I'm the only thing standing in the way of the Grizzlies mangling you"

"I was never worried about the Grizzlies"

"I remember for one whole fight you cowered under a desk because of them"

"It was a test"

"So that's why you were screaming about us dying and shrieked when Harry Styles kicked the chair"

Cameron glared. He had remembered that day. Rogue took over in Cameron's traumatic state and ended up being able to fight then off and run then out of the hide out. That's when Rogue began to find her leadership.

"Shut up" Cameron spat

"My Web my rules" she replied, "remember? You answer to me now"

"I answer to no one other than myself"

"Fine pack your bags and get out"

"You wouldn't dare"

"How do you know Cameron" she said, "it's been a long time since we've had a actual conversation"

He blinked. He didn't know Rogue anymore. Did he? She had matured and hardened from the last time she was in their home. He hadn't thought of how much else she had changed. Because frankly he hadn't been paying attention.

"It has hasn't it"

That was all Cameron could say. For once he hadn't had a snarky remark. A cruel insult. Even a glare. It was just that. Rogue raised an eyebrow at him as he slowly turned around and grabbed the door knob. Twisting it he walked out and back into the main room.

"I guess you don't know him either" Dillon mumbled



Shawn basically jumped a mile in the air. He was hurting bad, but he was thankful for Belle helping him. She had stayed quiet the whole time obviously caught up in her work. That was good to him. He didn't need her going after Cameron for something as dumb as that. Let's just face it he'd kill her. You don't go against what Cameron says. You might get the same punishment.

"Please stop jumping it makes it harder to work"

"Sorry babe"

Belle finished up and put her supplies back as they were. She grabbed his wrist and dragged him back to the bed they were sharing. The question rattled in her brain the whole time, but she didn't dare say a word. She was hoping he'd tell her. Which he hadn't. So she guessed he wasn't. They laid down. Shawn's arm snaked around Belle as she laid her head on his chest.


"What's wrong?"

"I was just uh wondering"

Shawn's stomach dropped. He knew what was about to happened. He began to think of something to tell Belle that she would believe. Yes, he was going to lie to her, but for her safety.

"What did this to you?"

"I defied Cameron so he and Taylor beat me in the basement right before it caught fire"

He mentally face palmed. He panicked and it slipped out. Belle was on her feet now. She was walking towards the door. Shawn jumped up and ran to her. He pinned her against the door shutting the creak between it and the wall. His lips on hers as he tried to distract her. She pushed him off.

"Shawn nothing's going to stop this"

The ripped the door open and stormed down the hall.



SO I GOT MY LAPTOP BACK TODAY!! *Dances and celebrates as confetti and balloons fall from ceiling* So more updates are coming soon! This chapter is kinda short and I'm sorry, but I wanted to leave it there. I hope you enjoy!


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