Chapter 6

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The hill was silent. Only the sound of the grass crunching under their combat boots. The group had adrenaline coursing through their veins. Rogue beside Queen Slay at the front representing their leadership. They came to a halt when they reached the top to find the Hounds had not arrived.

"Just like them" Queen Slay scoffed, "always late"

"Give it time" Rogue replied

Queen Slay crossed her arms impatiently. The rest of the group were preparing their weapons, pushing on their brass knuckles, and sharpening knives. Rogue just waited. Her breathing slow. Her hands balled up into fist. She was ready for whatever came up that hill. Soon they heard a howl announcing the arrival of The Hounds with a special guest. The Ice Dragons. A gang made up of old members of The Aces. There is their leader Kian Lawley, Second in Command JC Caylen, Ricky Dillon, Connor Franta, and Trevor Moran. They glared. Cameron notcied us empty handed.

"You know I don't like it when people touch my things" he announced

"And I don't like you so I guess we're even" Rogue smiled

"Shut up Rogue gosh!" Kian exclaimed

"Shut it Rogue gosh" Belle mocked

Kian crossed his arms and glared. The boys stood behind them ready to pounce. Rogue's eyes scanned them and met Nash's for only a second. She looked away quickly. Her mind replaying the old picture of her and Nash over and over and over again.

"Rogue" Queen Slay whispered

"Sorry" Rogue replied

"What happened?" Cameron chuckled, "cat got your tongue"

"Last I knew I still had your stuff" She announced, "and you're not strong enough to take it from me"

"You know I could" he barked, "I know you don't want to fight me"

"Oh but I do" she growled

"You wanna fight?" He asked then calls up Nash, "fight him"

"You think I won't?!" She yelled

Nash walked up to the front of the group. His dark hair slicked back his piercing blue eyes focused on Rogue. He shook off his leather jacket leaving him in a white t-shirt and jeans. Rogue gulped. He had gotten a lot bigger since she last saw.

"Well c'mon" Cameron yelled, "you gonna fight him or not"

Rogue looked at him and then back at Nash. Her brain racked for the right answer. She balled her hand into a fist and reared back closing her eyes. She didn't open them until her hand came in contact with his face. He fell to the group and grabbed a hold of his right cheek. He looked up at Rogue. Hurt crossed his facial expression for a mere second before being replaced by anger.

"Well well" Cameron smirked, "I guess you are one tough cookie"

His group howled in laughter behind him and The Ice Dragons followed. Rogue felt insulted.

"I just took down our second in command!" She yelled, "and all I get is a snarky remark about being a 'tough cookie'!"

The Hounds and Ice Dragons laughed even more. Queen Slay was about to loss it, the Diamond Knights were ready to fight. The Widows were all fuming. Fists at their waist. Rogue couldn't take it. She was done. She was done taking the shiz from Cameron and the Hounds. She walked up to his and grabbed the collar of his t-shirt.

"You think this is funny!" She spat

"Obviously" he replied

She then punched his square in the nose. He howled in pain as it started to gush blood. The Hounds immediately jumped into actions and The Widows fought back. Soon everyone was fighting. Widows, Hounds, Diamond Knights, Queen Slay, and Ice Dragons. You couldn't tell who was from what gang. Cameron and Rogue continued to fight until Queen Slay asked her to switch. So she smashed Kian Lawley's head against a tree. He fell limp to the ground and grabbed his head. She then pulled Johnson off of Raven who was punching Gilinsky on the ground. Rogue slung Johnson to the side and gave him a nice kick to the side. She looked around proud of her gang. When she noticed.

Belle was gone.

Sorry for the short chapter but my phone does have word count so I don't know how many words I typed. Plus I kinda wanted to leave it at this cliff hanger so sorry!


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