Chapter 31

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Nash felt guilty. Why? You never kiss another guys girl. Ever. Now that he had kissed Rogue he felt guilty. He wanted to tell Dillon, but Dillon would beat the living hell out of him. Even if he and Rogue aren't dating. So what does Nash do? His guilt eats on him as he decides.

"Get my ass whipped" he said, "or let this come out some other time and let it be worse"

He tapped his foot on the hard wood as he decided. He heard footsteps and prepared for the worse when the door swung open to reveal Carter. A loyal friend was just what he needed. Carter shut the door and hurried over to him. Sitting beside him. He acted like something important was happening.

"Dude what'd you say to Rogue?"

"Uh nothing"

"She just went into Shawn's room and from what I can hear she's crying"

"Is Dillon still at her door?"


"Maybe he did it"

"No man I heard her say your name"


"So what happened?"

Nash looked around. Like someone walked in along with Carter. He listened for footsteps. He wanted no one besides Carter to know what happened right now. He needed advice from someone who could keep their mouth shut. The only person he'd tell besides Carter was Shawn. Who was for some reason with Rogue.

"I kissed her okay?" Nash said quickly

"What?" Carter asked, "like full lip action"

"Yeah" Nash sighed

"Get some Nash" Carter laughed

"No I don't think she broke it off with Dillon"

"Oh you're in deep shit then"

"What do I do?"

"That depends on what outcome you want"

"I want Dillon to know without beating my face in"

"I don't think that's possible"

"Well then I don't want it to come out in a bad way"

"Then I suggest you go and tell him"

"What the hell are you crazy?"

"Yeah he's in Rogue's room"

"What do I say?"

"I don't know make something up"

Carter raised his eyebrows at his friend and looked out the door to see Shawn walk into the kitchen. Nash shook his head. This is damn crazy, he thought, but I guess I have to do it. He stood and Carter patted him on the back. Obviously he had Carter's full support. Maybe if Dillon gets too rough Carter will help.

Carter followed him as he ventured down the hall to Rogue's room. Skate and Queen Slay were in the main room counting up their money. Cameron was watching them on the couch. Nash slowly opened the door. Dillon's head snapped up at him. His eyes blood shot and hair messy. A glare falling onto his features.

"Look I know we don't along that well but I feel like I need to tell you something" Nash announced

"What?" Dillon hissed

"Uh Rogue and I uh kinda" Nash stumbled over his words

Dillon raised up crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. He was in no mood for bull shit, but the name of his girlfriend intrigued him. So taking this bull shit was okay.

"We kissed"

Dillon's expression didn't changed. He just stood, dusting off his jeans, and walked up to Nash. He smiled, and Nash became relieved. Dillon was happy for his honesty, or so Nash thought. His smile soon faded into a glare as he swung a fist hitting Nash's lip. There was so much impact that Nash turned to the side. He felt a warm trail down his lip.

He touched his lip as a red color painted his fingers. He glared at Dillon. Carter stood dumbfounded at Dillon's action. Next thing he when Nash had tackled Dillon into the hallway wall. Nash wailing on Dillon. They rolled down the hall in an attempt to get one of them down. Everyone in the main room ran over tearing a angered Nash off of a now black eyed Dillon. Rogue appeared in Shawn and Belle's doorway.



Cameron dragged Nash down the hall. Sitting him down and examining his lip before Belle rushed in with a wet wash rag. She applied it to his lip as Skate examined Dillon. A rage growing in his features as he looked over his hurt friend. Queen Slay dared to ask the question everyone wanted to know.

"What do we do with them?"

Rogue watched in the doorway of Shawn's room. Watching Nash and Dillon. This made her question something. Who's side would she run too? Her mind said Dillon. Her heart said Nash. Everything else was confused. She watched as Skate looked down the hall at a bleeding Nash. Belle kneeled beside him trying to stop the bleeding. Rogue watched as a darkness enveloped Skate's eyes. She wrapped her hand around a hand gun on a table beside Belle and Shawn's door.

"Nash is in lock up for two days no food" Skate growled

"What about Dillon?" Cameron asked

"Nothing" Skate stormed up to Rogue, "it was this slut's fault he did it and Nash's fault for kissing back"

The click of a loading gun sounded as Rogue's bad ass nature return. A glare setting on Skate as the gun pushed under his chin. Nash and Dillon both looked on amazed. Her once teary and sad eyes were replaced by a coldness. The red surrounding her eyes disappearing as she was nose to nose with Skate.

"Choose your next words wisely" she growled through clenched teeth

"Or what?"

She switched the guns aim as a shot filled all of there ears. A bullet ramming through Skate's foot as she grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him closer and sticking the gun under his chin again. Skate was shaking as he whimpered in pain.

"Come again?"

Skate gulped shaking his head. She released him sending him to the floor. Belle walked over to examine his foot as Rogue put the gun back in it's place. She crouched down beside Skate again. She only left slightly guilty. Skate was her friend, but she knew that look and it wasn't going down like that. Not again.

"Oh and your leadership?" she asked, "is done"

With that she walked away. Leaving a trail of shocked stares following her as she entered the kitchen. Nash and Dillon exchanged a look of confusion, but it was soon replaced with glares as Dillon hurried over to Skate.

"Damn" Nash whispered, "she's a bad ass"

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