Chapter 36

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Belle was looking through the fridge. Trying to figure out what they needed from the store. Her and Calum always took care of groceries. She figured out what they needed and Calum took care of the budget. It was their system. Rogue set it up, and it works perfectly.

"Put milk on the list" Belle said

"Is that it?"

Belle nodded. She grabbed the keys and walked out the door. Her and Calum scanned the isles for everything they needed. Belle was paranoid. Ever since Niall had gotten into her and Shawn's room. She shot him, and it didn't faze him. That smirk. It was like a game. A puzzle. They got half way through the list when something happened. Belle reached in her pocket for the list. When she opened her hand a pebble lay in the middle of her palm. Three claw marks on it. She stomach dropped. She looked outside the window of the store to see a brand new charcoal grey dodge challenger. The blonde boys leaning against it.

"Here Cal" she handed him the list not looking away from the Grizzly, "I'll be back"

She walked out of the store. Niall watching her every step. She felt angry at him. Yet she had to speak to him. She stopped in front of him. He spit out a piece of mint gum he had in his mouth. Then looked into her eyes.

"Hello lovely rose" he said softly

"What do you want?" Belle asked

"Just to see the most lovely set of eyes I've ever seen"

"I'm going to ask you again" she replied, "what do you want?"

Niall got up from his car. He circled around her like a vulture. Licking his lips. He stopped and leaned back on his car again.

"Belle I would be lyin' if I said I didn't have feelings for ya' "

"I have Shawn" she growled, "I don't need you"

"C'mon" he laughed, "don't say ya' haven't been thinkin' about me since it happened"

"I have"

"Then would ya' admit to likin' me a teeny tiny bit as well?"

"I love Shawn"

"Love is a strong word"

"So is hate and I use it quite a bit too"

"Oh Belle" he sighed, "oh beautiful, wonderful Belle"

He got up again and circled behind her. Pushing her brown curls out of the way. He leaned into her ear. She didn't shiver. She didn't feel anything. Just anger.

"You never know if you like somethin' " he whispered, "until you try it love"

She turned to face him, but he was gone. Calum had walked out of the store and put everything in the car. He noticed Belle and trotted over. She looked around furiously. Calum copied her action.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Yeah" she replied, "just fine"


Nash busted into Shawn and Belle's room. He needed advice and he knew Shawn would give it to him. He hadn't talked to him in awhile, but Carter wasn't like most inspiring person ever. Although Nash did love Carter's ideas. Shawn just thinks through them more than Carter. Nash stood at the doorway.

"Is Belle here?" he asked

"No man she's out grocery shopping what's up?"

Nash shut the door and began pacing. Shawn knew something was up. Nash only paced when he was stressed. Shawn stood up.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm breaking her" Nash replied, "pieces by pieces I'm shattering her"

"Nash what do you mean?"

"I don't know"

He sat on their bed. Thinking of how to put it where Shawn will understand.

"I'm doing this to protect her" Nash said quietly, "but it's tearing her and me both apart"

"Then stop trying to protect her" Shawn told him, "have you met her before?"

"Did you see her after I left the first time?" Nash asked, " she was dying inside, I don't want her to feel like that ever again"

"Nash the only way you could do that is by repeating your actions, and with Cameron out of power it's basically impossible"

"I'm so afraid of hurting her again, but it's killing me not to be with her"

"What does she want?"

Nash was taken back by the question. He was talking about what to do, but he never knew what Rogue wanted. He was too afraid to ask. He looked at Shawn actually a little startled.

"I-I don't know"

"Have you tried asking her?"

Nash froze. Does he know who she is? It's Rogue. She might just bite his head off. But his advice is to ask her what she wants? Is he sure about that?

"Shawn I just can't"


Shawn opened the door and walked out. Nash followed.

"What are you doing Shawn?" He asked

"If you won't ask her I will"

"Shawn it's just not the right time for me"


"It seems as if I might have made her mad when we talked"

"What'd you do?"

"If you want me to be honest I don't know"

"She's not going to wait for you forever"

Nash knew he was right. He left out a sigh with a mixture of frustration and sadness. He thought about it. Now was still the very wrong time to ask, but he will do it. On better terms and at a better time of course. Maybe if he waited long enough she'd understand by then, but the question is.

Does he want her to?

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