Chapter 2

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Rogue sat at her desk calculating how much money they needed in order to buy a Camaro. Rogue had wanted one forever and the girls agreed that they would enjoy one too. She had also gotten a loan from one of her good friends. Her friend also in a gang but you'll meet her later on. Except she wasn't having the best luck. She kept coming up $50 short. She thought and thought of how she could be coming up short when it hit her. Literally. Something actually hit her. She eyed the paper wade and glared at the two girls on the couch. Of course the two girls had to be Belle and Snake Eyes. Belle was on one side of the couch while Snake Eyes was on the other having a paper wade fight. They dropped the pieces of paper.

"Sorry Rogue" they mumbled

Rogue threw the paper in the trash as Raven walked in with a box of pizza.

"Hey want some pizza?" Raven asked

"Where'd you get the money for pizza?" Rogue asked her in return

"I took fifty bucks from that big stack of cash and went and bought a new bandana and some pizza" she said motioning to their money for the car and showed her bandana to them

"Raven!" Rogue yelled, "that was for the car!"

"Oh" Raven said then she shrugged, "Raven no care"

Rogue's face was beet red and basically had stream rolling out her ears. Fox slide into the room and got in between her and Raven.

"Calm down Rogue it's just how she is" Fox explained gently

Rogue glared at her fellow gang member and sat at her desk pulling out a fifty dollar bill and placing it on the stack of cash. She then took Ravens pizza box and took a slice of pizza.

"Hey that's mine" Raven whined

"Rogue no care" Rogue said

Fox then again told them to calm down and drop it. Rogue then went back to trying to figure out how to buy the car.

"Looks like we need to do a job tonight or sometime soon" she finally announced

"Like what?" Raven asked being over her mad spell

"I dunno but something that will make a bunch of money fast" she replied

Snake Eyes hand shot in the air.

"What Snake Eyes?" Rogue asked

"What if we go and ninja kick someone's butt for money?" She said with a smile

"Sorry Snake Eyes but looks like we just need to go on another gang raid" Rogue announced

Everyone gasped. The thing the Widow's call a gang raid is one of the most dangerous thing you can do. It's where one gang goes into another gangs lair and steals their valuables.

"We're gonna go to the Den aren't we?" Raven asked

"Yeah let's go steal from The Hounds" I responded

We all went to our rooms. Rogue's was labeled with a black widow spider with the name Rogue printed on it. She opened it and walked to my closet. When you go to steal something you have to wear black. She grabbed a black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, her gang jacket, and black combat boots. She then looks at herself in a mirror and nods. She stuck a knife in her boot and some knitted bags in her pocket. She then walked out the door. Her gang was talking as she approached them. They all fell silent.

"We go on the hunt" Rogue announced, "we need it more than them just remember that"

They nodded. They them walked out. The gang laughed and began to get excited as they inched closer and closer to The Hounds den. They looked around to make sure no one was watching or was there. Rogue then called Fox up. Fox picked the lock and slid into the den. The door shut and she looked around the house. It was dark and cold with empty pizza boxes and coke cans thrown across the room. She wrinkles her nose is disgust and looked for any sign of them but there wasn't one. She checked every room and the kitchen. Then she went to the door with a smirk.

"It's clear" she said to the gang

They looked at each other when Raven spoke up.

"Let's take all these Hounds got" she smirked

The gang piled inside the den and began looking for anything valuable.

"Nothing" Raven called

"Clear" Fox yelled

"Notta" Belle added

"Don't these people have any money?!" Snake Eyes asked

Rogue's eyebrow knitted together. She then slid into Cameron's office. It was dark and dirty. There were candy wrappers, chip bags, pizza boxes, coke cans, coke bottles, donut bags, and lollipop sticks. She was about to hurl, but she continued. The walls were blue and there was hard wood flooring. On the wall there's was a lone picture of Cameron sitting in a chair smirking. Rogue remembered when he had that made for his stupid office. She rolled her eyes. She searched everywhere. In his desk, under the trash, behind the chairs, she even felts around for a trap door, but there was nothing. Then she spotted it. It was so cliché, she thought as the removed the painting and found a safe.

"Fox!" She yelled

Fox then rushed in there. She saw the safe and smiled.

"Found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow I see" she said

She then walked over to the safe and cracked the code. There in the safe was gold chains, jewels, silver rings, and wades of cash. Rogue smirked as she searched the rest of it. She saw a piece of paper in the back and reached for it, but that was when something cold touched the back of her head.

"Shiz" she whispered

"What do you think your doing?" Cameron growled in her ear

"Just seeing if you could loan us a few stray dollars" Rogue said calmly

The girls laughed.

"Oh shut up!" Cameron raised his voice, "I know what you were doing!"

"Well good for you skippy" she said sarcastically

The girls howled in laughter, but they were shut up when the boys but knives on their neck.

"You know we have to punish you" he spat

She turned around and kicked his hand making him drop the knife. The girls copied her action. Rogue grabbed a bunch of money and ran out the door. They continued to run as Cameron began to yell at his gang to catch us. When they turned around The Hounds were fresh on their tails. The Widow's turned around ready to fight. The Hounds lined up as Cameron ran to the front.

"GIVE US THE MONEY ROGUE IT DOESNT HAVE TO HAPPEN THIS WAY" he yelled and then smirked, "unless you want it to"

"Excuse me I think I just puked in my mouth a little bit" she replied

The girls laughed then got back in fighting position as they surrounded them.

"Rogue we're surrounded!" Raven called

"What do we do?!" Snake Eyes yelled

"Give me a second!" Rogue replied loudly

The Hounds growls like hungry wolves as they surrounded the girls. Rogue pushed on her brass knuckles.

"We fight!" Rogue finally commanded

That's when it started. Raven punched Jack Johnson in the stomach. Snake Eyes tackled Jack Gilinsky to keep him off of Raven. Belle punched Nash in the face as Fox jumped Matt. Rogue and Cameron sat watching until Rogue looked at him. She then tackles him and began to throw punches. He pushed her off and jumped up throwing punches which were dodged by Rogue. She drop kicked him and helped Raven who was getting doubled teamed by Jack Johnson and Aaron. She yanked Aaron by the collar of his jacket and slammed his head into a light pole. He was out like a light. Cameron then grabbed Rogue by the hair and turned her to face him. She rolled her eyes.

"Hair pulling?!" She yelled, "really what are you five?!"

He punched her in the face as she kicked his knee making him fall. Then out of no where there was a wolf howl. Everyone stopped and looked at the lone boy who stood. A smirk firmly printed on his face. Rogue had never seen him before. He wasn't at the bar with The Hounds yesterday. That's when Rogue realized it was a trap. She turned to yell at her gang to tell them it was a trap when something cold and metal hit the back of her head. She fell to the floor and watched as they attacked her gang. She couldn't move and her world went black.

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