Chapter 34

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Rogue waited patiently with Nash at her side. The Aces needs their other members. To complete the group they once were before. Which meant Rogue would have to persuade Ice Dragon leader, Kian Lawley, to join them to fight the Grizzlies. The only person besides Cameron who knew where they were located was Nash. Who was pretty certain they wouldn't come, and would love reminding her of it.

"This is a bad idea" Nash announced

"What's so bad about it?"

"It's Kian" he replied, "he can be a shit bag"

"So are you but you're still standing here"

Nash went to glare at her as the door opened. A very bored looking Kian stood in the doorway. Looking down at the bleached banged ginger in front of him. Rogue could smell the mold and nasty musk of the Ice Dungeon from where she was standing on the front porch, and wanted to gag.

"We need to talk" she said confidentially resisting the urge to gag

"What do you want bitch?" He asked coldly

"You better clean up your attitude before you land on that carpet in you're main room"

"Is that a threat?"

"No" Rogue stepped closer, "it's a promise"

"Look Kian we need your guys help" Nash said pulling Rogue back

"What for?"

"The Grizzlies" Rogue replied, "they're back"

"So let me guess" Kian announced, "you want me, and the boys to go and join up with you guys and form the Aces again?"

His laughter rang into Rogue and Nash's ears. Nash looked down at Rogue with an "I told you so" look. She glared slightly.

"Yes, yes we do" she responded

"You're kidding right?" Kian asked, "Cameron would nev-"

"He came to me for help, we figured out we're stronger together than apart"

"Nash?" He said, "you too"

"I came up with the idea of going to her"

"But she's a-"

"Widow?" Nash asked, "yeah, but a damn good leader at that"

"Wait" Kian announced, "Cam isn't-"

"No" Rogue cut him off

Kian looked at them in disbelief. Never in a million years would he have thought that Rogue would've been over Cameron. He knew Cameron brought her in to be his replacement, which Kian didn't understand because he could do better than her, but never imagined him actually giving all the power to her. He spotted Cameron's Ace necklace dangling from her collarbone. He shook his head.

"I can't believe this" he muttered

"Yeah yeah you don't believe that Cam isn't leader" Rogue said, "are you in or not?"

"I-I don't know" he replied, "I'd have to speak with the boys"

Kian walked back inside. Rogue and Nash waited patiently as they all walked into their main room. Suddenly Rogue began to get a bad feeling. She felt nervous. She looked around to see if anyone or anything was around. Nothing. I must be over exaggerating, she thought. Turning to look back into their main room there was a loud crash. What looked like a brick had crashed through their window. Except there was wires running all around it, and bricks don't tick. Black claw marks on top. Rogue's eyes widened in realization.


Nash grabbed her arm as they ran away from the home with the Ice Dragons on their tails. Nash yelled at them to get down and they dove into the dirt. Nash pushed Rogue under him. Wrapping himself around her body. Protecting her from the blast. The explosive went off and was luckily nothing lethal. The house was on fire and the main room was destroyed. Rogue pushed Nash off of her and he hugged her making sure she was okay. When he released she was met with the backs of the Ice Dragons examining their blown up home. Kian turned to the two on the ground. Rage in his eyes.

"I want to have a bear skin on my mantel" (THIS IS METAPHORICAL)


"Okay first we are working on knife throwing" Cameron announced

Their first day on training. The group working was Matt, Aaron, Carter, Shawn, Hayes, Taylor, Belle, Snake Eyes, Raven, and Fox. They all prayed Cameron wouldn't work them to death. These were muscles they hadn't stretched in awhile (ohhh more metaphors). There was assorted knives on the table in front of them. Several targets behind them.

"Get with a partner"

Snake Eyes grasped Matt's wrist. He smiled at her and they walked to a target.

"Okay so..."

Cameron began to explain how to throw the knives as Shawn passed them out. After everything was given out and all instructions were told they began. Matt was an absolute pro. Bulls-eye every time. He made it look effortless. Sadly Snake Eyes weapon wasn't a knife. She thought she was terrible at it. Getting the outer rings. Looking foolish compared to Matt. After several attempts and actually hitting the wall behind it she became upset.

"Damnit" she threw the knife down on the table it belonged to

"You okay Snake Eyes?" Matt asked throwing another Bulls-eye

"I suck at this!"

"I'm sure you don't"

"I want you to look at my target and tell me I don't suck at this"

Matt chuckled at this. He put his attention her target. He noticed where she had been hitting it.

"It's not that bad"

"I suck"

"Here let me help"

He grabbed her knife and handed it to her. She huffed and grasped it. He laughed slightly and stood behind her.

"Okay so first use your arm to aim, point it where you want the knife to go"

He grabbed her wrist pointing it at the center of the target. Snake Eyes wasn't paying attention to the target though. She had never really been this close to Matt. The closest she had been was hugging him. Sometimes holding him, but nothing like this. She had been so tied up in her thoughts she hadn't realized he was done talking. His hand was on the left side of her hip. The other hand was grasping her wrist. He tilted her arm back and flung it forward. The knife slipped out of her grip and slammed into the center of the target. She could feel Matt's smile on her ear.

"There you go"

"Uh um thanks" she replied

He chuckled and went back to his own target. Snake Eyes slowly went to retrieve her knife. She ran her fingers over the handle before looking back at Matt. She then noticed the eyes of her trainer, Cameron. He smiled and chuckled knowingly shaking his head. Snake Eyes hurried back to her spot as her face turned blood red.

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