Chapter 40

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Belle woke up in an empty bed. Shawn was gone. She didn't worry though. He'd be fine. She got up and changed into something acceptable before walking into the main room. Rogue's desk was untouched. Unusual. Rogue was always the first up. Maybe she had finally let herself relax and sleep in. Belle wandered into the kitchen to see Dillon at the table. Head in his heads. Red cup beside him. He heard her come in and looked up. His eyes red. His hair in a mess. You should see the dried tear streaks down his face.

"Dillon?" Belle asked

"Go away" he grumbled putting his head back in his hands

"Are you drunk?"

He looked back at her. He looked completely out of it. Eyes droopy. Looked almost glazed. His limps weak. He took another swig of his drink.

"Maybe" he muttered

"Go to bed"

"I don't want to go to bed without talking to her?"

"Dillon go-"


Belle looked at him shocked. He crushed his cup. A tear fell from his ocean eyes. I quickly wiped it away in his drunken state.

"I want to talk to her" he said sadly

"She's not here Dillon"

"What do you mean she's not here?" he asked, "she left me?"

Belle's kind heart broke at the sound of his voice. His eyes filled with pools of tears. Heart break written all over his face.

"No Dillon" Belle replied softly, "she left to go do something"

"I'm tired"

Dillon began to lay his head on the table. Belle quickly wrapped his arm around her neck and wrapped her arm around his back.

"I'll help you to bed"

He nodded limply. Belle began to drag him out of the kitchen. He was really drowsy and heavy. It was hard for her to move him. He began muttering.

"I hurt her Belle"

"I know Dillon"

"I hate myself"

"Don't hate yourself"

"I was terrible to her"

"Everyone messes up"

"She was perfect" he mumbled softly, "absolutely perfect"

"You're so drunk" Belle whispered to herself

"I love everything about her" he said lovingly, "from the top of her head to the tip of her toes"

"So drunk" Belle muttered


"Yes Dillon?"

"Could you tell her something for me?"


"Tell her" he hiccuped, "I love her with every inch of my being"

Belle looked at him, and instead of seeing drunk out of his mind Dillon he almost looked sober. It was so genuine and sincere.

"Okay" Belle replied


"Yeah Dillon I promise"

"You're a good friend Belle"

Belle smiled slightly. She dragged him into his room and laid him on a bed. She pulled the covers over him. His eyes were closed as she began to leave the room.

"Thank you Belle"

She turned around to see his eyes wide open looking at her. She smiled a toothless smile before closing the door. Leaving the blue eyed boy to rest before his hangover. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and aspirin. She went back to his room and laid them on his nightstand. She looked back down at him sleeping before exiting.








The ring of the pawn shop bell above the door made the owner turn to the two Aces members. He was fairly young. Looking around the age of 18. Styled brown hair. Chocolate brown eyes. Another girl strolling the shop. Curly red hair with a cat ear headband. This was the pawn shop of the Whitesides family. Owned by Jacob Whitesides. The older brother of the one and only Queen Slay.

He wore a dark blue button up behind the glass counter. He was reading the newspaper with a pair of glasses on. Rogue strut confidentially to the desk. He noticed her and lowered the paper. Taking off his glasses he examined her. Smiling at her.

"Hello Rogue" he said

"Jacob" Rogue replied

"Who's the kid?" Jacob asked

"Shawn Mendes" Shawn announced

"Alright" Jacob put his newspaper to the side, "what can I do for you?"

"I need an engagement ring" Rogue explained

"You gonna propose to Nash?" Jacob said

"What-no!" Rogue yelled, "it's for him"

"Oh special lady?" Jacob began examining the ring case

"Yeah Belle" Rogue told Jacob

"Ah lovely, delicate, rose Belle" Jacob smiled, "you're a very lucky man"

"Thank you" Shawn blushed slightly

"Now let's see"

Jacob pulled up a diamond ring. Huge hunk of diamond with a band of more diamonds. He showed it to Shawn. Shawn smiled before turning to Rogue.

"Too flashy" she said

"Okay, okay let's try something smaller"

He pulled out a smaller ring. Simple silver band with one single pebble sized diamond. Shawn turned to Rogue again.

"Not enough"

Hours later they stood in the same spot. Rogue rejecting every ring he pulled out of the case. He pulled out the last one which was a pink diamond of a fair size with a gold band. Shawn sighed and turned to Rogue. Rogue shook her head. Jacob sighed before muttered a 'I'll go check the back.' Shawn began to wander about the store.

"What if I never find a ring?" he asked

"We'll find one I promise!" She replied

Shawn sighed when a glittering caught his eyes. He stopped in his tracks. The glittering coming from the floor at the end of an isle. He walked over seeing a ring on the ground. A warm feeling surged through his body as he kneel to pick it up. Rogue found him and stood before him smiling. He looked at her and she smiled warmly.

"That's it" she said softly, "that's the one"

Jacob walked back to tell them that the counter was all they had when he too spotted the ring. White diamonds in the shape of a flower. Silver band with diamonds. He saw their smiles and knew.

"We'll take it" Shawn told him

"Good choice"

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