Chapter 41

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"Snake Eyes go!"

"Get out of here!"

Matt looked at the Grizzlies coming closer to them before looking back at her. Snake Eyes stood behind him. Matt stared at her in horror.

"I'm not leaving you!" she screamed

"Get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving you!"

Belle grabbed her arm and began yanking her away. Snake Eyes looked at Rogue.

"What about you?!" Rogue yelled at Matt

"I'll hold them off!"

Snake Eyes watched as Rogue nodded. They began running away. Snake Eyes fighting to break free of Belle's hold as they left Matt behind. Screaming until her throat sore. Tears running down her face. She kicked and punched and yanked. Trying every way to run to Matt. The Grizzlies getting closer and closer. He looked back at her one last time.

"I love you"

The crowd consumed him. The last thing she saw was his warm brown eyes. Harry Styles cruel laughter taunting her.








Snake Eyes scream boomed through her and Matt's room. He awoke immediately. Wrapping his arms around her. She sobbed into his chest. He stroked her hair as he shushed her.

"They-they attacked" Snake Eyes choked out, "you tr-tried to hold them off-"

She let out another soft sob before falling into his chest again. Tears soaking his shirt. He ran a hand through her hair.

"Shh it's okay" Matt whispered, "it's just a nightmare"

She continued to cry into his shirt. She couldn't block out that horrific laugh. The fear in his eyes. Those last words falling from his lips. It terrified her. The last look at his eyes. She's could stop thinking about it. Like it was wired into her head on repeat.

"They got you Matt" she muttered

"Who got me" Matt asked

"The Grizzlies" Snake Eyes mumbled, "you tried holding them back, and you told me to leave"

"I'll always protect you"

"You said you'd never leave me though"

"I won't leave you either"

"In this situation you just could have both"


"So what would you do?"

"Let's worry about that when the time comes"

He kissed her temple.

"Want some breakfast?" he added

"Sounds good" Snake Eyes smiled

He helped her out of bed and they walked down to the kitchen. Snake Eyes got out the eggs as Matt got out bacon. Snake Eyes cracked open an egg, but she cracked it a bit too hard. It's contents spilled out in her hand. She smirked as she reared back and threw it at Matt. It splattered on the back of his neck and made it's way down his back. He shivered and turned to her. She busted out laughing.

"Oh you think this is funny?" Matt asked

He picked up a piece of raw bacon and threw it at her. It landed in the middle of her face. Matt began to laugh as she peeled it off and threw it to the side. This began a food fight. Snake Eyes grabbed a hand full of flour from a near by pot and threw it at Matt. He was by the fridge so he opened it and found a bottle of ketchup. He opened it and used it as a spray gun.

Sake Eyes grabbed a frying pan and shielded the blast. She broke another egg and threw it at him. He screamed and grabbed the pickle jar and began throwing them at her. She laughed and did a ninja roll over to the cabinets. She opened one and found golf fish crackers. She ripped open the package and began pelting him with goldfish crackers. 


Matt grabbed a package of hotdogs and began to throw them. Snake Eyes found hotdog buns and began to use them as her plan of attack. She went back to her eggs soon. Matt grabbed the mustard and began to spray it. Snake Eyes grabbed the peanut butter and began throwing globs of it, as much as she didn't want to because of her love of peanut butter.

Matt got up and began to run over to her, but slipped on the splattered eggs on the floor. He fell on his back and laid in the floor. Snake Eyes died of laughter. Matt groaned, but it was followed by a laugh. Snake eyes slowly got up and began helping Matt up. When he got to his feet they laughed again.

"I love you so much Snake Eyes"

"I love you too Matt"

She grabbed his face and connected their lips. Sparks flying as they stood in the dirty kitchen, but they didn't care. All they cared about in this moment was each other. Snake Eyes arms wrapped around his neck. Matt's hands on the small of her back. Lips moving slowly. This wasn't an act of passion, but of love. When they broke it up they smiled at each other. They examined the kitchen.

"We should really clean up"

Snake Eyes laughed and grabbed a mop as Matt grabbed the broom. Nash walked into the kitchen.

"What the hell happened in here?" he asked

"Just some fun" Matt replied

"Well clean it up before Rogue gets back and chews out all of our asses"

Matt smiled and nodded as Nash walked out. He looked at Snake Eyes and they laughed again. Snake Eyes didn't think about her dream anymore. She knew Matt was always going to be there for her. It didn't matter how. What mattered was that he always would, and she 100% believed it.

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