Chapter 20

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"So now you have to be punished"

Two new guys stepped into the room. One had a red bandana with a tie dye sleeveless shirt and a blue jean vest with a tooth pick sticking out of his smirk. Another had dark flipped hair and eyes like Nash with a black t-shirt and jeans. They stood beside Cameron. Nash dragged the boy with eyes like him away from tie dye guy.

"Shawn this is Taylor Caniff and Hayes Grier"

The pit of Shawn's stomach dropped in fear. His hands began to shake. His palms became sweatier. He felt sick.

"Carter, Taylor" Cameron called

Shawn made a dash towards the door. Carter and Taylor grabbed his arms and dragged him out of the room and down the steps into their basement area. Shawn thrashed back and forth using every once of strength he had to try and get his way out of the strong boys grasp. With no luck, they tied his hands as they wrapped his arms around a pole.

"I'm sorry Shawn" Carter whispered

"You're dead to me" Shawn growled

Carter looked at him slightly hurt. The only thing Shawn could hear is Nash's screams at Cameron to let him go. Fear ran through his whole body. His stomach panged as Cameron's foot steps boomed through the basement. He looked at Carter and Taylor before looking back at Shawn.

"I always thought you'd be the one to take over my spot when I'm gone"

"I-I guess you were wrong"

"I don't know"

He walked up and smacked Shawn right on his left cheek. He bit his tongue as the pain burned his face. He put on a glare as he slowly turned back to Cameron.

"And yet you show more and more promising"

Cameron leaned over punching Shawn in the stomach. Shawn screamed out as he tried to double over. Cameron nodded to Taylor. He strutted up to Shawn and began to beat him. Nash watched from the top step in agony. He felt so guilty to cause this to someone he could call his friend. Shawn would call out in pain every once in a while. Finally Nash had to turn away. He couldn't torture himself any longer. It hurt too much. He should've never turned Shawn and Belle in.


Taylor backed away. Shawn could taste crimson coming from his nose and staining his lips. His lip was defiantly slip open. He could barely open his eye from the swelling. He obviously had a black eye. Cameron was the only one who didn't look like he felt bad. Taylor had a glimpse of guilt and it was all over Carter's face.

"Have you learned a lesson?"


Cameron smirked.

"I've learned your a huge jack ass"

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