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I shook my head. I can't keep crying like this.. ace is right it is pathetic.
I've already cried enough.
I wiped my tears and sat up. my room that I shared with Ace was pretty empty. it just had a few blankets and some thin mattresses and then my stash of books.

I looked down at my clothes and saw the same dirty and small clothes i had on when I left the school yesterday. I grimaced in disgust and walked out of my room. I saw ace and dadan argue but quickly stop when they saw me.

I looked away shyly and speed walked out and into the wash room.
I entered the room and peeled off my clothes and got into the warm bath. I sat there watching the bubbles move around for a few minutes. so much happened yesterday that it hasn't really processed in my brain. first I was being bullied, then the teacher humiliated me in front of the class. and then I was kicked out completely. my heart hurt when I thought of my life there. I was being bullied everyday, those nobles really know how to turn someone's life hell.

my trail of thoughts was cut short when the door slowly swung open and there stood ace with the usual sour look on his face.

he threw off his clothes and jumped into the bath which made the water splash everywhere.

"ace! at least knock!" I complained and he rolled his eyes.

"what the hell is wrong with you? mind explaining all that?" he said as he scrubbed his body.

"I don't wanna tell you..." I said, avoiding his gaze.

"Hah?" he stopped what he was doing, "why are you acting tough now?"

I threw the soap on his head and a bonk was heard. "hey!"

I giggled but stopped once he went underwater and felt something holding my legs. suddenly he pulled them upwards and my upper body fell inside the water.

I splashed and kicked, my head underwater until he finally let go.

"ACE! I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DROWN!" I screamed as I pushed my hair out of my face but all he could do was laugh back at my face.

i scowled and tackled him. he obviously didn't seem to expect it because I overpowered him easily. we began to fight, me trying to dump his head underwater and him gripping me by the shoulders and trying to push me off.

suddenly dadan slammed the door open, "why are you two being loud- what the hell happened here?! why is there soap and water everywhere!"


me and ace walked out wrapped in towels like burritos holding our butts. dadan smacked us with a broom and threw us out, but at least we washed up before that.

"all this is your fault.." i grumbled quietly.

"my fault? you're the one who wanted to be all secretive and mysterious all of a sudden! you still haven't answered my question too!" he shot back.

"its nothing! just stop asking! why do you care anyway, asshole!" I yelled back and ran away.

I heard him scoff but he didn't run after me.

I walked into my room and quickly dressed up in my pajamas (ace's clothes because all I had were dresses) and sat on my mattress.

I glanced to the empty spot beside me and frowned. I shouldn't have exploded on him before he was just curious.

but why does he care anyway?! he's always an asshole to me!
he never even introduced me to his friend. he obviously doesn't care that much about me then. if I'm not that important enough.

I sat and waited for hours but ace never returned. I wanted to apologize to him and try to explain myself but he never came back. my heart was beating quickly and I felt so guilty for yelling at him.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now