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omggg i totally forgot about marco's yoi :sob: :sob:

the sun shone harshly into my face which woke me up. i yawned and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. when my vision was less blurry i looked around to see where i was.

i'm in the front of the ship and it's pretty empty around me. the sun was shining brightly and the sky was a lovely baby blue. i finally noticed the black coat wrapped around me. it looks like the one shanks wears. i slowly stood up, yawning again and walking towards the medical room. i heard commotion from another room but decided to first go and check on ace. when i entered the dimly lit up room, the sunlight barely pouring in from the shut curtains, the first thing i saw is sleeping ace. he was still snoring loudly, the same way he's always been. on a bed near him was marco lying down with his shirt unbuttoned and reading a book. he raised his head from his book and saw me standing awkwardly near the door with shanks (huge) coat draped around my shoulders, "finally awake eh?-" before he could continue i interrupted him, "did ace wake up?"

"chill princess, your boyfriend still hasn't awoken yet-yoi," he said as i blushed, "he's not my boyfriend..."

"you worry for him like he's your husband! don't mess with me-yoi..." he teased and i blushed even harder, "you haven't eaten for days, you could go to the kitchen but i don't know if you'd be comfortable eating with shanks entire crew-yoi."

i shook my head quietly and he sighed, "i understand why honestly... i'll go grab you something alright-yoi?" my face immediately lit up and i nodded. he then put down his book and walked out of the room.

i walked up to ace who was still sleeping but this time more quietly and pulled a chair to sit on beside him. i sighed as i stared into his sleeping face. how much more is he gonna sleep? i know it'll take him long to recover... but these hours have never passed longer than this. i held his hand, wishing he would wake up and hold me again. i then wondered about luffy. what would he be doing right now? does he know me and ace have survived? suddenly the door swung open and there walked in marco who was holding a plate with waffles. "here ya go-yoi." he said setting the plate on a nearby table.

"th-thanks..." i said, avoiding his gaze and slowly eating the waffles. he went back to reading, occasionally stealing a few looks at me which i tried to ignore with a pink face.

a long awkward silence took over and the only sound you could hear is ace's snoring. i had finished my waffles and now was just staring at the ceiling or ace.

"soo.. you've known ace since childhood, yeah-yoi?" marco asked looking up from his book.

"huh?... yeah! m-my mother is a mountain bandit and one day garp-san brought him to us with no explanation other than that he's gol d. roger's son.. which he hated a lot. he never liked being associated with his fater." i said, remembering the time we first met. "i was incredibly shy back then. more than i'd ever been. my mother thought i was mute until he came along..."

i sat in my room as my mothers crew of bandits caused a ruckus outside as usual, i heard a knock on my door and i went to open it. there stood a boy around my age with a harsh scowl on his face, "yo. you're y/n?"

i stood there in shock, not knowing what to say as my heart beat loudly. i wanted to answer but i couldn't bring myself to open my mouth. instead i thought the answer in my head, 'yeah! i'm y/n, who are you?'

i stood there like an idiot, oogling him like he's an alien as he stood there impatiently, "damn you're mute or something? why ain't ya answering me huh?!" he barked and pushed past me. i winced as i looked at him who was exploring the small room, "what a shitty place this is." he complained and i frowned, 'you'll grow used to it!' i wanted to say but again, i couldn't bring myself to.

he caught my gaze, "you got a staring problem or somethin'?" he said with a glare and immediately i looked away. he sighed and walked out of the room and i finally breathed in. why was he so angry? more importantly why am i so... weird!!!???

i sat gloomily, drowning in self loathing until i fell asleep.


the door swung open harshly, slamming against the wall which immediately woke me up and there stood the freckled boy again towering over me, "scoot over, dadan didn't give me a mattress to sleep on." he demanded and i immediately complied in fear. he jumped beside me and hogged the entire blanket.

the next morning i woke up before him. i was bored and too scared to go out so instead i decided to study the boy's appearance. he's taller than me with tanned skin and some freckles on his cheeks. his hair was a little wavy and black and he seemed to scowl even in his sleep. suddenly his eyes fluttered opened and he said, "what're you looking at you mute?"

my cheeks turned pink and i opened my mouth, forcing myself to speak up in defence, "i-i-i'm not m-mute!!!" and he laughed in my face, "what's up with the intense stuttering?!" and my face turned even redder, "i-i- i'm not!!!!"

"you are!"


"ahahahah! you did it again!"

i was basically a tomato at this point and instead leapt ontop of him and punching him in the chest but he only laughed, "what kind of girly punches are these?" and then held both of my fists with one hand and flipped me over, "AAH!!"

"see, this is how you do it." he said, restraining my hands behind my back as i tried to wiggle loose, still not giving up.

suddenly the door swung open, "ace time to wake up- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY BABY?!!!!!" dadan yelled as she took ace off of me by the hook of his shirt, "you're so soft on her you'll raise her to be a pathetic coward," he spat angrily as she bonked him hard on the head and pulled him away. i stayed lying on the floor, staring at the absent place dadan and ace once stood on.

"he was so harsh to me at first but that made me speak up more..." i laughed at the memory and marco chuckled along with me, "what a rude boy he was-yoi."

suddenly ace stirred in his sleep, turning to lie on his side instead which immediately left me and marco gaping. he hasn't moved an inch all these days.

sorry for short chapter again :( i've been busy T_T

thx for 7.2k reads and 244 votes!!!!!!

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