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image above is your outfit ^^! it's not something that necessarily needs to be for skinny girls. anyone can wear it in fact, but if you don't like it you can imagine whatever you want! you have the nurse hat that the girl has drawn on her head, too.

after sabo died y/n had suddenly disappeared the same day. no one knows where she went and dadan has been searching furiously for her daughter for years until she finally gave up, thinking her daughter was taken by the celestial dragons that day and turned into a slave.

ace and luffy had a hard time grieving and managing losing both their brother and friend but eventually got over it as well, but not fully.

when ace was 17 he set out to sea and soon after luffy followed after as well.

now in alabasta... luffy's crew finally landed and were looking for food.

☆ this book is not accurate to the plot, unintentionally. it's my first book so there is mistakes, I'm currently updating it so that the English will be better, but keep in mind that there is gonna be some inaccurate scenes ☆

I had been requested for a hospital in alabasta so I set sail to there. apperantly there was a shortage of staff, doctors and resources there because of the lack of water which often led to the citizens starving and dying. I was going there in order to help out in the hospital as they were filled with sick people and exhausted and very few doctors. my devil fruit is very useful for situations like this.

my devil fruit takes a lot of stamina and in order to heal a big amount of people in a short time I need to have a lot of it so I learnt to train myself and my duration.

i sat in the room the nice captain allowed me to stay in and looked through my bag to see if i had everything ready. i nodded in confirmation and walked out of my room. immediately a member of the crew came rushing towards me, "miss y/n! we've arrived in alabasta!" he said, panting for air.

i smiled at him and nodded, "thank you.." i whispered and walked past him. the ship was heavily armed and all of the crew were buff or very tall but deep inside they were very sweet.

"thank you for taking me with you captain.." i said, smiling sweetly and he laughed, "anything for you beauty! goodluck on your journey!"

"th-thank you!" i blushed and left the ship, when i took one last glance at the black flag with a skull drawn on it and the crew sadly waving me goodbye my smile widened even further. what a sweet group of people! i hope they have a nice journey as well.

i walked through the village, many stared probably because of my outfit. i didn't really fit in with them and was obviously an outsider but i tried to not let it make me anxious. i sighed and punched my chest, where my heart was furiously beating, my journey just started i can't let my anxiety make me back off so early! my stomach grumbled right when a restaurant came to sight. i raised an eyebrow in confusion, seeing a group of people gathered at the entrance. I walked up to them and asked a random person, "hey what happened here..?"

"apperantly someone's died at this restaurant.."

"right now?! let me through!"

i pushed through the people and slammed the doors open, "nurse here! please back off everyone!" the crowd began sighing in relief, "thank god a doctor is here.." i heard some say but i ignored them, putting my focus on the apparently dead male. i approached him, he wore a orange cowboy hat and had his face burried inside of his food, tons of empty plates surrounded him.

i put my bag down and took out a stethescope and put it around my neck. first i checked for a pulse on his neck with my finger, "e-eh?" i put my hand back on his pulse again to be sure, "dead? .. this man isn't-" suddenly he sat up.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now