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writing bath scenes is just really fun and nostalgic for me (≡^∇^≡)

from that day on we hung out basically everyday. some days I had to stay back home and study because I still had my goal to achieve and they understood. sometimes they would train somewhere nearby and I'd sit close and read or watch them.

by now it was obvious what they all wanted to do. I mean they've said it many times before. they all want to become pirates and set sail when they're 17.
I frown when I think about it because, they'll all be leaving me one by one as I stay back in this island. alone. i haven't thought about wanting to become a pirate. ever. my only dream is to become a doctor. can a doctor really be a pirate? aren't they basically completely different things... pirates hurt people and doctors save people. i sighed. i really didn't want to leave them.

even if we hang out and they try to include me as much as possible, i still do feel left out. specially since most of our hang outs are usually them beating up people around the island, beating strong beasts or competing among each other. since i don't know how to fight i always only watch them from the back or wait at our "meeting place".

that's when i made up my mind. i'd ask them to teach me how to fight too so i can at least be able to stand among them and enjoy myself like they do.

at first ace was like, "why do you even wanna train? you're a girl..." but sabo and luffy smacked his head. i sighed at him not understanding, luffy didn't either but at least he knew that's not something you say to a girl. sabo sighed at their dumbness, "let's train her so she can fight with us too! instead of just watch us from the back like a stray puppy.. sorry y/n."

i still haven't gotten used to sabo and his surprising kindness so i quickly shook my head with a blush. ace's face turned sour, "then i'll be the only one to train her! since i'm stronger than you guys i'm the most capable."

"what!!! NO FAIR!" whined luffy, "i'm just as capable of training her as you are!"

"luffy you've never won against me a single time when we sparred what makes you think you can compete huh?!"

"that doesn't count!"

"want me to show you why i'm more capable then??!!"

"shut up you two! and ace you can't just keep hogging y/n to yourself all the time! i wanna train her too!" sabo said, joining the argument.

they continued arguing and i began getting dizzy. "enough! you can all train me okay! sharing is what real men do."

"i'm a real man! see guys you should've listened to me when i told you we can all share her!" said luffy.

"you never said that!! and what do you mean share y/n?! she's not an object!" both sabo and ace yelled and smacked luffy.

"owww! what's wrong with what i said?!"

"shut up!"

"don't be mean to luffy!" i said harshly and luffy nodded with tears in his eyes. i motioned for him to come over and started petting his hair, "he's the youngest here you need to be nicer to him okay!" i said, looking at them and not noticing him sticking his tongue out on them. their faces turned red in anger. they restrained themselves but gave luffy a look that meant he's gonna get it later.

"okay! let's begin then! what should i do?!" i asked excitedly.

"first of all you gotta stop with that girly stance and man up- ow! what was that for sabo?!" ace said as he held his head.

"i'll train you first and then ace and last luffy. that good with you all?" sabo asked and everyone nodded, and so my training began.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now