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"thank you doctor n/n!" a little girl said, hopping off of her chair. i smiled at her and her mother approached me, "really.. thank you... her disease was an incredibly rare one.. no doctor ever knew how to treat it.." she said, tearing up but i only embraced her, "i'm happy to help."

a week has passed and i've scored a job at the hospital. these past few days i've been working in the day while marco kept an eye on ace and occasionally changed his tubes.

i've been getting attached to the patients at the hospital, they're all so sweet. most of the doctors here are inexperienced so i quickly gained popularity which marco said isn't a good thing. i should have a low profile or else someone might recognize me he says and while i agree with him, i can't let the people stay sick and die.

"bye-bye!" they waved and i waved back. i walked back to the front to see my next patient but instead i saw marco there, waiting for me. when he noticed me he quickly waved me over, "n/n, you need to come home." he whispered, "huh? wh-what do you mean? why?" i asked as he held my hand.

the people around us stared in confusion and he cleared his throat while looking at the lady at the front, "i'm afraid our child has gotten sick and is in urgent need for his mother, would it be alright if n/n has the week off?" he asked.

"oh! yes of course! n/n take care!" she said and waved as marco dragged me away.

i quickly whispered back, "marco? what's going on!?"

"shhh! not so loud! and you'll understand when you see it for yourself!"

"f-fine! but what kind of excuse was that? our child? really?" i huffed, looking away as he chuckled, "what? you don't wanna be my wife anymore?"

"wh-wh-what are you talking about?!?!!!!"

when we finally arrived home marco realized he was still holding my hand and let go with a blush. "c'mon," he said and i followed with him.

when we entered ace's room i saw him there.

lying in the bed.

still asleep.

"marco what the hell was this all about?! he's still asleep!" i said in frustration as he sweatdropped.

"ace! get your ass up dude!" he yelled, shaking ace furiously.

"wh-what are you doing!!!! be gentle with him!!!" i panicked, trying to stop him but his pushing was too strong.

"euggh... just.. f-five more minutes..." we heard and we immediately stopped.

"ace..?" i said , eyes wide.

ace sat up slowly, yawning and wiping his eyes, "what's wrong with you, marco? i wanna sleep..."

"ACE!! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!" i cried and jumped on him, hugging him tightly as he looked around in confusion, "y/n..?"

suddenly his stomach grumbled, "fuck.. i'm so hungry..." i stopped hugging him to look at him, tearing up. but the tears quickly stopped when he leaned down to me with his mouth wide. and bit my arm.
"AAAHHH!! ACE?!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!??" i yelled, bonking him a hundred times as he fell back onto the bed, letting go of my arm that i was furiously wiping now.

marco was laughing in the back as he went to grab ace some food.

when we finally got him some he immediately devoured all of it in one bite. i sighed, ready to empty our fridge just to feed this monster and we did exactly that. we had to empty our fridge to feed this man. and he kept falling asleep inbetween bites.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now