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a few weeks have passed since i've been working for doflamingo and i've slowly gotten used to the circumstances. i'm still not used to him though, he's as terrifying as he was when i first met him, but i do speak up more around him than i used to. i met a girl called rebecca and a woman named viola, the whole kingdom had heard of me of course, and my devil fruit. often pirates came to the island the first week i was here to try and kidnap me but doflamingo's family always protected me which i was thankful for.

i sat in the medical room, swinging my feet back and forth on the tall chair, which was for some reason designed to be taller than average chairs. it was the only chair that was so tall in the room but it was very comfortable. when i sat on it at least didn't feel like an ant in comparison with my patients (why is everyone in the donquixote family so tall?) and they didn't have to crouch down to my height for me to treat them.

in a few days my contract with doflamingo would end, and i dread that day horribly. he's either going to kill me or send me to the government where i'll probably be exploited till i'm unable to move from using my devil fruit so much. i shivered at that thought and the door opening made me jump, almost falling off the chair. i gripped the desk near me for support and breathed a sigh of relief. a chuckle awoke me from my trance, "you're so clumsy, doctor." i heard doflamingo say as he walked up to me, in his hands he held a injured dellinger by the hook of his shirt. i immediately took him from doflamingo and set him on the bed, "don't hold him like that! he won't be able to breathe!" i scolded without thinking and i immediately stopped what i was doing when i realized what i said. i'd always get so caught up with working that i wouldn't pay attention to things i say, it's like when i'm working all of my social anxiety disappears kind of. but i begged and prayed in my head i didn't just say what i think i did.

i heard him chuckle, right behind me and i felt like i was doomed, "why did you stop, doctor? you're so afraid of me, always shaking and fidgeting. i'm not a wolf you know. or maybe i am.. hehehehe." a shiver went down my spine and I fought the urge to jump out of the window. but sudden a groan from dellinger quickly snapped me back into my doctor mode and i tried ignoring doflamingo, praying he wouldn't get offended by it and thankfully he let me work. usually he would leave but this time he sat on the seat i was on before and watched as i stitched dellingers wounds and cleaned the blood off before healing him. i didn't heal him immediately because i felt like 50% of my power disappeared just from that interaction with doflamingo just now.

"dellinger-san, i advise you to lie down and sleep for a while to rest and regain your energy. getting healed by my devil fruit too often can impact your body into relying on it too much so the next time i'll try to only heal you when its crucial to," i said as i pushed him down, who was trying to get out, "arrghhh but i have things to do! i can't just be lying in bed!" he complained and i hushed him. he pouted, went under the blanket and faced the other way. i finally sighed and went to sit on my chair without looking. just as i was about to hop ontop of it a knee met my thigh  and scared the living hell out of me. i almost screamed but held back when i saw dellinger sleeping soundly. i heard doflamingo chuckling quietly behind me and i quickly turned to look at him with a frown, "c-can i help you sir...?" I stuttered.

he shook his head with a smile and got off the chair."it's amusing to watch you work. you get so focused and serious, little nurse." another shiver ran down my spine. country was happy because of him, but he absolutely terrified me. something about him was not right.

I sat back on my seat and began noting some things about dellingers body and injuries while doflamingo went outside of the room. i was finally able to breathe.

"doffy seems to like you," dellinger grumbled from the bed, still mad about being forced to sleep, "absolutely not! he's so mean to me!" i shot back in frustration and went back to my work. i heard him chuckle before a few snores sounded.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now