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hi, I'm very sorry for being late with updates. I was very sick, and it's hard in school ( •́ω•̩̥̀ )


I do not like physics !

( •́ω•̩̥̀ )( •́ω•̩̥̀ )( •́ω•̩̥̀ )( •́ω•̩̥̀ )( •́ω•̩̥̀ )( •́ω•̩̥̀ )

oki I am done with messing around sorry hehe

baltigo is our destination. sabo informed us that it's the Revolutionary Army's current base.

"ain't your leader, dragon, luffy's dad?" ace asked, munching on an apple as sabo nodded. "what a coincidence! the world is so small..." I said as ace nodded.

"so how's he like? energic like luffy?"

"... actually the opposite," sabo laughed, "he's not talkative and he's very observant."

"EEHH?? LUFFY'S DAD? NO WAY!" we both shouted.

sabo laughed and continued explaining, "he's also tall and always has a serious look on his face."

"now I'm just imagining a tall luffy with a serious expression..." ace sweatdropped.

I tried imagining it as well but it was impossible. I ruffled my hair in nervousness, "n-now I'm too nervous to meet him!! what if he doesn't like us...?!"

"HUH? I HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THAT.... sabo do you think he'll like us...." ace said nervously.

"umm well I'm sure he's gonna like y/n but you..." sabo said with a blank look on his face, "you'll have to learn how to sit down if you want him to like you."

"sit down?! I can be a very calm person when I need to y'know!" said ace, now standing up and glaring at sabo who was still sitting down.

"yeah.... verrry calm......." responded sabo, not believing him one bit.

ace turned to me, "RIGHT?!" he said and I averted my gaze, whistling and acting like I dont know what's going on.

ace sat down in defeat as sabo laughed at him. I giggled a little and pat his thigh, "it's okay ace, I'm sure he'll still like you..."

suddenly he put his hand on mine and pulled me towards him, "y/n marry me!" my face slowly began turning red, me now basically sitting on his lap as my eyes widened in shock.


suddenly sabo threw an apple at ace's head which made him let go of me, "oof..."

" y/n that man has schizophrenia you cant listen to him.." sabo said as he pulled me ontop of his thighs teasingly.

"I don't!" said ace with a glare as he ate the apple. sabo shrugged his shoulders with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his chest against my back. suddenly he raised his hand and pointed ahead, "we're approaching the island, look forward."

I squinted my eyes, "is it a snowy island? it's pretty white from here..."

"nah its not cold at all, the soil is just white there." he responded. suddenly sabo's den den mushi began ringing. he sighed as he unwrapped his hands from me and pulled away a little. he put his den den mushi near his face and answered the call. immediately a feminine voice sounded which caught both mine and ace's attention.

"hello?! Sabo-kun?! where are you??!!! why haven't you been answering your calls!! you've been away for weeks without notice!!!" she shouted as sabo sighed, putting the den den mushi further from his face because of the high volume of her voice.

"ah koala... I've just been doing.. stuff." he answered casually.

"stuff?!! for all this time?!?!? the LEAST you could do is at least answer our calls you know!! I've been worried!! we all have!!!!" she continued as I laughed. sabo's face began turning pink from embarrassment.

"well I am coming back now, you can tell that to dragon," he said, rubbing his head tiredly.

"okay then we will be waiting for you!!! I will be expecting you today or else-" then sabo hung up suddenly.

"eh?" me and ace said.

he threw the den den mushi away and ignored when it began ringing again. he yawned and leaned backwards while also pulling me along with him. "aaah I'm so sleepy... i can't be bothered," he said with a sigh as he held me tightly. I lied ontop of his chest as he played with my hair.

me and ace were incredibly confused. "who the hell was that? she sure knew how to lecture you..." said ace as I nodded. sabo pinched my cheek and looked upwards to the sky, "no one... just a girl from the revolutionaries."

I pulled his hand away from my cheek, "she seemed worried about you... are you sure you can just hang up like that..?" I asked with a light blush.

his chest rumbled with laughter, "don't worry your pretty little head about it, we already communicated enough," he said as me and ace sweatdropped.

"you cut her off..." we both thought in our heads but didn't say anything.

we grew quiet and slowly I began falling asleep on sabo's warm chest.

I felt something rubbing my back, "oi... y/n . . . ....."

I shook it off and shoved my head further into the warm surface I was lying on.

"y/n... wake ...... up .....!"

"oi we've arrived at the island y/n! wakey wakey!" said sabo. "h-huh..?" I whimpered, opening my eyes slowly and rubbing them, "already..?"

I looked behind me and saw ace packing the bags. I quickly stood up from sabo and turned red in the face, "i-i-i'm SO SORRY!!! I didn't meant to ... fall asleep on you!!" I stuttered nervously as he laughed, "don't worry I didn't mind it at all."

he stood up and began stretching then grabbed some bags and hopped off of the ship to the island, "c'mon you two!"

ace followed after, carrying some bags too and then helped me get on the island.

"thank you ace.."

"sure," he responded with a yawn.

sabo lead us through the island and we began approaching a white building. the same white soil as the entirity of the island. "so you've been living here all this time?" I asked as I looked around. "yeah.. I mean we've had other bases before but this is our longest time staying in one." he responded.

hii I wanted to mention that the characters (specially luffy because lets be honest in his mind there is only meat) will be very out of character because they are yandere ^_^

thank you for 18.3k reads and 562 votes!!! and 16 followers!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

short chapter today because of school :'3

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