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when I woke up it was day. sabo and ace were loudly snoring, each by my side and both clinging onto me. I tried to break free a few times but these boys were clinging onto me as if I was the last on this earth.
on my 5th try I finally broke free and they fell back onto their backs, still snoring loudly with their mouths wide open. i giggled little at them and admired the view. our ship was slowly being pushed by the wind and the waves clashed against the dark wood of the ship.

the sky was a beautiful blue and the wheather was perfect. ace began stirring in his sleep as I played with his hair in boredom. there wasn't much to do on the ship than laze around.

a groan sounded from ace as he slowly began sitting up, "are we there yet...." he rasped.

I turned to look at him. he had eyebags under his eyes and his hair was very messy. I laughed at him as I ruffled his hair even more, taking advantage of the fact that his hat is off.

"oi what're you doin'?.." he grumbled as he put his large hand on my head, pushing me out of his range.

"l-let goo!" I complained, trying to push his hand away but he was obviously stronger. he only laughed at my struggle until we heard sabo, "be gentle with her you brute."

we turned to look at him, not having noticed earlier that he got up and was fixing his shirt. his hair was messed up too which made us laugh at him. his face turned pink as he fixed his hair, "why are you laughing?! go look in the ocean your hair is worse!" sabo said.

"eh? my hairs not that bad!" ace said now looking at the ocean. he grumbled quietly as he brushed his hair out with his fingers.

my hair was already fixed as I did it when I woke up. I stood up and began stretching and going to the front of the ship, "when are we arriving?"

"2 days i'd assume... but if the wind is in our favour I'd say a day or so." sabo said.

"im surprised we haven't passed by a pirate or marine ship... what a peaceful journey this is," I said with a smile.

"well you might wanna reconsider that..." said ace who was now looking to the side. we followed his gaze and saw a pirate ship approaching which made us all sweatdrop.

"ill go fight them off, we could steal their resources," he smirked. "eh?! that ain't fair! why can't I tag along?!" said ace.

"they'll recognize you so we have to stay back, both of us," I said with a sigh. when the ship was in range sabo jumped in and they began fighting. 10 minutes later or so he looked down on us from the ship, "im done now! ace catch ill throw you some stuff!"

"took you long enough, blondie! if I was there it wouldn't even take a minute...."

all of a sudden a big bag fell from the ship onto ace's head, knocking him down. a groan was heard from him as sabo laughed from above, "warned ya"

ace pushed the bag off of him and looked up at sabo in a threatening demeanor, "oi asshole watch where you throw that! what if it fell on y/n?!"

"then I'd beat your ass for not protecting her!"

"beat my ass? you think you can beat me?!"

they began bickering as I only sighed. we just woke up a few minutes ago and they're already acting like little boys.

"boys will be boys...." I thought in my head, sweatdropping at the sight of sabo throwing another bag and laughing at ace's face. a smile slowly found its way to my face as I laughed along with sabo. ace was incredibly flustered, yelling at sabo and this time successfully catching the next bag that was thrown at him.

I sat beside ace who was grumbling. a bruise was slowly forming on his forehead as he ate some meat. sabo wore a satisfied look on his face at his victory.

I pinched ace's arm, "ow! what was that for!" he complained as I motioned for him to come closer, "...let me heal that bruise..." his cheeks turned a little pink as he scoffed but sat in front of me anyway. I softly pulled his face down to my range and stared at the dark blue bruise. I poked it lightly and ace immediately flinched with a hiss. I frowned, apologizing and turning to look at sabo who was only comfortably leaning against the railing with a smirk on his face, "what?"

"you two sure have grown up physically but your mentality is that of a 12 year old boy!" I lectured as they only laughed. sabo waved his hand, "don't take it seriously... we're just playing," he said as ace nodded, "its funny when your mom-side comes out... its the opposite of your usually obedient and meek self."

I huffed angrily, "I'm not obedient! I'm only shy!" and smacked his head, "ow ow ow ow! not my bruise!"

I continued pinching his cheeks and pulling them, "w-w-wait stop im sorry!! I was only teasing!" he said, his cheeks now turning pink from my pulling.

"thats what i thought!" I said, finishing him off with a hard bonk to his head. he collapsed on my lap, his face steaming from embarrassment and pain. sabo burst out laughing, "y/n beat your ass!"

ace slowly looked up from my lap with a pout on his face. his cute freckled cheeks were puffed out and his entire face was pink. I giggled and kissed his bruise, healing it in the process and when I pulled away his eyes were wide and his entire face was red.

"there... all healed up..." I smiled, a soft pink dusting my cheeks.

he fell back on my lap, now holding my waist tightly, "one day you'll kill me with your affection...." he whispered quietly but I could still hear him. sabo whistled, now standing over us, "who's the obedient one now eh?"

"shut up you!!!!"

sorry for the short chapter today!

I released a new book that is a luffy x reader ^_^ if you want to check it out it's in my profile!

thank you so much for 15k reads and 487 votes!!!!!!

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