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(I wanted to confirm that you're wearing the outfit in the picture ^_^)

the sky was a beautiful blue, decorated with fluffy white clouds. two years had passed since the war in marineford. y/n sat in her chair in the medical room. the sunlight shone against her hair as she spoke with one of her patients about whatever while healing him. she had gained a name there throughout the years of working as a doctor. most of her time was spent indoors healing injured soldiers and the rest was spent training with ace. her last patient of the day finally left with a smile as she waved back at him. "what a tiring day.." she said, stretching her limbs before exiting the medical room.

y/n walked through the hallways of the base until she ended up outside in the training ground. she could her ace from a distance punching a dummy. she smiled and rushed towards him, "ace! look over here!" she yelled. ace finished his last punch and turned to look at her, sweat covering his body. throughout the 2 years he's grown a little taller, now standing at 189cm. the healed scar from his fight with aikanu decorated his chest. his hair was slightly more wavy than it was before and he was more muscular. sabo had also changed. he was now 193cm, unfortunately to ace, and was also muscular but slightly slimmer than ace. he hadn't changed much, save for his hair that grew longer over the years.

"look look looook!!!! it's luffy!!!! luffy and sabo!!!" she yelled, waving around a newspaper excitedly.

"huh? luffy?" he asked as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. y/n gave him the newspaper and he began reading the front page. after a few seconds his face lit up and he immediately picked the shorter girl up into a bone crushing hug. "luffy! after all these years... i'm so happy to hear hes alive!" he cried as y/n began choking and gasping for air. once ace realized what he did he immediately let go and apologized shortly.

"y-you need to watch your strength, ace! you've become so strong over the years!" she lectured, rubbing her sore waist as ace laughed in return, "you always tell me that nowadays.."

"did you see sabo on the news as well? he apperantly got himself a devil fruit! keep reading!" she said excitedly, pushing the newspaper further into his face. ace took the newspaper from her hands and continued reading. his eyes widened even more, "blue flame fruit..?"

she nodded my head furiously in excitement, "yeah! his devil fruit is just like yours! isn't that cool?!"

ace put down the newspaper, "blue flame huh... that does fit him perfectly.." he thought out loud.

"ace! let's set sail when sabo returns, and meet luffy!" y/n said.

i smiled excitedly and so did ace, opening his mouth to respond to me but an explosion quickly interrupted us. we looked to the source and saw smoke coming from the other side of the island, "h-huh? explosion..?" i whimpered. never in these 2 years has anything like that ever happened. "is someone attacking..? but how'd they find this place-"

"y/n! ace!" shouted sabo. he was running towards us from the shore, "run! we're under attack!" he yelled as he caught up to us, panting and trying to catch his breath. my eyes widened and my heart dropped to the floor, "a-attack..?!! who is it?!" i squealed. "it's blackbeard.. he found us out!"

"BLACKBEARD..?!!?" i panicked as ace put his larger hand on my head reassuringly. i looked up at him who smiled back, "don't worry, we'll protect you."

"there's no time! y/n, he's specifically looking for a poneglyph... and you." sabo said, pulling me by my arm. "huh?! what the hell do you mean by that?! why's he looking for y/n!" ace shouted, clutching his fists by his sides angrily. i stared at sabo in both fear and confusion. he shook his head and started running, dragging me along with him by the hand, "i'll explain as we go, first we gotta get a ship and get the hell out of here!" ace nodded and we continued running to the shore, where some ships sat. "sabo-kun! get on!" yelled koala from one of the ships. the ship had a lot of soldiers but there wasn't ivankov and dragon. sabo quickly put his hands under my legs and waist and jumped onto the ship, carrying me bridal style. "where's dragon and ivankov?" sabo said as he set me down on my feet. ace jumped onto the ship and landed beside us. immediately koala shouted, "set sail! everyone on your feet!"

"hold on! koala! dragon and ivankov aren't here!" sabo persisted, walking up to her. she exhaled, trying to calm her furiously beating heart, "he ordered us to leave once y/n and you guys got on the ship. they'll be evacuating from a different ship.. and we'll receive orders from the transponder snails. first we gotta get out of here," she said as he nodded, now turning to look at me and ace. "you two come here, we need to hide y/n incase anything happens," he said as he walked away and to the lower story of the ship. me and ace stared at each other in confusion before following after him. "oi are you gonna explain yet?" ace asked as we went inside one of the rooms inside the ship. sabo pointed at the bed and looked at me, "sit there," he said. i shuddered at his serious tone and sat down without complains.

"he want's your devil fruit." sabo finally said. ace's eyes widened and so did mine, "he wants her... devil fruit..?"

"yeah. we don't know yet if he wants to steal the ability from her or force her to work under him, but both are equally bad scenarios," said sabo with a frown.

"if he takes her devil fruit, she'll die..." ace said quietly, his head low. his fists shook by his side before he raised his head, "i'll fucking murder him if he tries to come close to her!" ace yelled angrily. sabo nodded, a shadow loomed over his head as he stood still and quietly said, "y/n.. don't come out of here until we're 100% sure you'll be safe."

so many emotions were going through my head i couldn't even register what they were saying. i shakily nodded my head, clucthing my bag to my chest as i tried to calm my erratic heart. someone called for sabo from outside which made him rush to the door, "keep an eye on her," he said and left. ace walked up to me and pulled my head towards his chest, hugging me tight. "we won't let him take you," he said, his voice monotone and serious. i trembled a little, holding him tightly back and nodding against his chest.

"i-i want you guys to be safe too.." i stuttered, as i calmed down a little. i sighed against his hug, his warmth was really comforting.

"we'll never leave you. don't worry about stupid things like that."


the timeskip happens and BB is looking for y/n's devil fruit ^_^

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