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ace was looking out of the window as i sat quietly on the bed, still registering the news in my head. blackbeard is looking for me? THE blackbeard? 

suddenly an explosion went off. the ship shook violently and the waves clashed against the wood. I fell on the bed from the shaking as ace held onto a nearby desk. when the shaking lessened he rushed towards me and pulled me up by my arm. suddenly the door swung open and ace was about to attack until he heard a familiar voice shout, "oi oi it's me! don't attack!" it was sabo.

ace and me stared at him in confusion and shock, "what the hells going on out there?!" ace yelled as sabo rushed towards us, "a member of blackbeards crew got on the ship! we need to evacuate on one of the emergency ships right now.." he finished.

ace nodded in understanding as he went out, "I don't care where we're going as long as its safe." he said and went out, "ill hold him back so get on the ship! I'll catch up to you two," he said.

sabo nodded and looked at me, "c'mon," and then dragged me out.

"s-sabo are you sure we can leave him.." I said shakily. "it's fine he said he'll catch up."

when we went out immediately smoke hit our faces. I coughed as I waved the smoke away from my face. I couldn't see much but the screams of the soldiers already told me what was going on. they were fighting the man.

"oi! you're looking for y/n, yeah?" we heard and recognized the voice as ace's.

"hand her over and you all will be given mercy," the cool voice said as ace laughed loudly, "you'll have to get past me if you wanna take her."

sabo pulled me away and we sneaked towards the back of the ship where emergency ships sat. some other soldiers were already there preparing them and so was koala. "sabo-kun! y/n-chan! get on quickly we were waiting for you!" she whisper yelled as she motioned to the smaller ship floating on the ocean. sabo nodded and held me bridal style then jumped on it. koala jumped after as she began preparing to sail away. I immediately hopped out of sabo's hold and put my hand ontop of hers, "w-wait! what about ace?!" I panicked as she looked at me sadly, "we have to leave.. im sure he'll be fine." then she set sail. I stared at the ship in panic, my heart beating quickly. "ace.." I whimpered.

suddenly the same man I was grieving appeared and jumped ontop of the ship. he fell on his face as he coughed and yelled, "go go go! faster!!"

he was bleeding from his right arm but he didnt care for that, "he won't come after us but the rest of his crew might be on their way. we need to get the hell out of here quick!"

"ace!" I yelled as I pulled him towards me, checking his wound. it was a stab wound. "you're okay.." I cried, hugging him tightly as he panted, "y/n I love you but can you hug me after you've healed my arm-"

"oh right! sorry!" I said and healed him. he exhaled a breath of relief as I wiped the sweat off his forehead with some paper from my bag. "ahh so much better..." he groaned, putting his head on my lap. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I was so worried.. I thought the same thing in marineford would happen again.." I said with a sad smile. he looked up at me and grinned, putting a hand on my cheek, "sorry to worry you, my love." I blushed as sabo groaned from beside me, "since when were you such a knight in armor?" he said as ace glared at him.

"you wanna go you little fancy boy?" ace said now facing sabo who grinned, "sure. let's see who's flames are better..." sabo challenged. immediately koala stood up and pushed them away from each other, "woah woah woah! we just escaped blackbeard! the hell are you two doing?!" she said as I sighed, leaning backwards, "they're always like that.. don't worry."

she sat beside me and watched them bicker back and forth. "how are they adults? they're acting like little boys!" she said in disbelief as I laughed, "don't let their appearance fool you their brains haven't aged a minute." I said as she nodded her head with a snort, "you're right."

I looked behind us and saw that the ship wasn't in sight anymore, "so what will you do now? we're a safe distance away from them." I asked as koala immediately perked up, "oh yeah! you reminded me! dragon ordered us to go to momoiro Island! our base will be rebuilt over there."

sabo immediately turned to us, "momoiro island..? isn't that ivankov's place?"
koala nodded. ace rested his head ontop of sabo's shoulder and boredly stated, "we're gonna go find luffy so we ain't tagging along with you guys." I nodded, agreeing with ace.
koala looked at sabo and tilted her head, "will you be going along with them too?"

sabo pushed ace off of his shoulder and crossed his arms, "yeah. I am..."

koala stared deeply into his eyes, "did dragon even let you..." she said in a monotone voice, knowing the answer.

sabo began whistling and avoiding eye contact before she glared at him. he stopped and looked at her, scratching his head, "well I mean I haven't but I'm sure he'd let me since I promised luffy I'd return to him with ace and y/n..."

koala sighed, "whatever.. if dragon gets mad don't include me!" she said and leaned her head against my shoulder. i laughed and hugged her close, "don't be so mean to my koala!" i said to ace. her cheeks turned pink as she cuddled into the hug. "you smell nice," she said. the boys stared at us in shock, their face draining of all color. "what.. the.. hell.. is.. this.." they both thought.

i blushed, "r-really? it's the perfume you got me..." her face lit up.

"really?! i knew it'd fit you!" she giggled as she tackled me and put her hands on the ground on either sides near my head. i squeaked as her expression turned mischevious, "you're so cute i can't take it!" she said as she tickled my sides. my face immediately heated up, "w-w-wait not there! koala!" i squealed as i began laughing loudly. she giggled along with me, tickling the most sensitive spots i have. after a few seconds she finally stopped and sat on my thighs as i tried to catch my breath. she only laughed at me while the boys still stood still in devestation. 

then koala looked at them with a smirk, "what're you two ogling at?" she asked as they both quickly blushed, "ARE YOU A LESBIAN??!!!!??" ace shouted as sabo sweatdropped at him, smacking his head. me and koala laughed and i said, "this is how girls are silly!" 

sabo crossed his arms, a skeptical look formed on his face as he shared a glance with ace. "this seems more than just girls joking around.." they thought.

koala stood up and pulled me up along with her as i giggled a little. "you two look so serious! what's up with you?" koala asked as she put her hands on her hips. i sat down as i looked through my medical bag, before looking up at the boys, "do any of you have luffy's vivre card?"

sabo nodded his head and pulled a paper from his pocket, "i got one. let's follow it to him."

ace sat down and his stomach began growling. we all sweatdropped at him, "of course your stomach is demanding food at the most inconvenient times.." said sabo.

"you're making me insecure about my hunger!" ace yelled in embarrassment.

"i hope luffy isn't that far otherwise we'll have to stop at a random island and steal food.." sabo said as he put his hands in his pockets, "unless any of you happen to have any berries?"

we all checked our belongings and pockets before shaking our heads a sad no.

"i never thought i'd go from a doctor.. to a pirate... to an escaped criminal... to a thief...." i said in devestation as sabo and ace laughed.

short chapter today because i've been suffering of writers block for this book! i will put it on temporary break until i find more ideas meanwhile im gonna work on my new blue lock x reader book so if you check it out i'd appreciate it a lot ^_^

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