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when i awoke i wasn't with luffy anymore. the sound of distant screaming hurt my head a little as i sat up, my mind was hazy and my vision was incredibly blurry. as i sat there for a little collecting myself i was finally able to remember everything and make out where i am. i'm in marineford and i along with many others are here to save ace. i sat up and coughed out water before looking around. marines were fighting pirates, there was war and bloodshed everywhere. i hopped down from the ship and ran through the people until i went somewhere a little high to look around for ace and luffy. first i spotted luffy who was causing ruckus with a very tall man with a white beard... who i think is whitebeard, the man ace always talks about. much further away and very guarded sat ace, chained up and staring at luffy in shock.

i stood up from where i was and looked down at myself, i was very much not prepared for war. what the hell is a doctor meant to do in the middle of the battlefield?? and i was not going to heal random pirates. i'll only use my healing on ace and luffy. i sighed and looked at my scalpel, it's small but efficent in fights. against rookie pirates only though. i sighed even harder, i don't even have a weapon. but whatever, i'll steal a fallen one on the battle field or fight with my legs instead, that worked as well. right now my priority is to reach ace.

i saw luffy go and fight against the admiral with the light-light fruit, kizaru. he was saved by ivankov and so he ran after punching some marines. moria tried to attack him as well. i immediately ran and jumped down to the battlefield. some marines were stunned at my sight, expecting me to be locked up. i kicked them and picked up a sword, it was a bit heavy but i could manage. i then ran and defeated everyone who came close to me. "luffy! i'll back you up!" i shouted as i sliced some zombies who were getting to close, "thanks y/n!"

"STAY AWAY! LUFFY! Y/N!" we heard ace shout and immediately stopped, stunned at his sudden voice.

and then luffy and ace began arguing. ace wanted us to get out and leave him but we just refused, "SHUT UP ACE! WE'LL SAVE YOU! NO MATTER WHAT!" i yelled as i sliced another marine. in the midst of the fighting, me and luffy seperated. i saw doflamingo and i could tell he was searching for me. when ace screamed my name, he basically revealed to everyone that i was here. which isn't good but i hoped the marines were smart enough to prioritize ace than some girl with a healing devil fruit.

i continued running and looking around for luffy at the same time. it hurt me to see so many people injured, but my priority is ace and luffy.

suddenly my right hand was caught by a string and before i could react my other wrist was also caught, "it's dangerous having a healer among these people. what if you go on turning the enemy immortal?" said doflamingo from behind me with a chuckle. i struggled as much as i could but more strings wrapped around me, fully stopping me from being able to struggle. he then wrapped them around my torso and arms and held me up by the legs. i huffed in frustration, "let me go, doflamingo!" i demanded angrily, i have to reach ace and luffy!!

"Y/N!" i heard ace shout in panic as i tried to struggle out but the strings were too strong, but all of a sudden they were cut, and i fell to the ground on my back. in front of me slowly appeared a man from sand. crocodile.

"what do you think you're doing, to her..?!" he growled as doflamingo scowled. i immediately ran off without looking back. i'd thank crocodile later! thankfully though before they fought among each other they were attacked by their enemies and had to take care of that first. i continued running, so they were still risking it? or is it just doflamingo that's after me?

i shook my head, doflamingo's strength is worth a thousand men so i'm already fucked if he's after me and i should be cautious anyway.

i finally caught up to luffy, who was very close to the plaza. all of a sudden the floors were split in half, before i could react luffy pushed me out of the way and fell in. when he extended his arm out i pulled him and to the land. i panted slightly, all this running has gotten me tired, "that's whitebeards devil fruit.."

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