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as me and sanji began defeating the alligators one by one, mr. 3 suddenly jumped out one of their stomachs. sanji beat him into opening the cage for luffy and the others and when the cage opened i jumped into luffy's arms.

suddenly the walls broke down and the water all surrounded us. before me and luffy could even react we were underwater and of course, couldn't even move.

sanji pulled me and luffy out of the water and with a miracle we were still clinging onto each other. luffy was a balloon filled with water though.. "you alive, luffy?" sanji asked, gasping for air as the others including me coughed the water out.

i teared up and shook luffy back and forth, "LUFFY! I THOUGHT- YOU WERE GONNA DIE!"

"Y/N! I'LL ACTUALLY DIE THIS TIME-" he choked as i kept shaking him, "oh my i'm sorry.." i sniffled and hugged him.

"hey this is no time for hugs! we gotta go!"

"luffy! where's ace?!" i asked, now noticing his absence.

"he left... he did say he had to catch an ex crewmate who killed his friend." luffy said, spitting out the water as i nodded sadly.

"we've lost a lot of time, vivi can we still make it?" sanji asked as she shook her head nervously, "i don't know.."

the smoker guy was arguing with zoro and just as the other marines came he told them to let us be. we ran until we saw choppar on a ... big ... crab. which turned out to be.. "lashes's" friend? okay.

we got on it and all were finally able to catch our breaths. i sat near vivi as she discussed things about her country. all of a sudden, a hook pulled me and vivi away. i was too shocked to say anything, my eyes were wide as vivi screamed. luffy launched to us but he was only able to get vivi out, i was stuck so he clung onto me. "l-luffy.." i whimpered as he held me close, "i won't let him have you," he assured and i nodded tearfully.

he turned his head to the crabs direction and shouted, "YOU GUYS GO AHEAD! I'LL TAKE CARE OF HIM!" and then luffy fell down onto the sand and i was pulled back fully, i finally recognized the hook as the one crocodile wears but by then it was too late. i was already caught.

"y/n and... vivi ... she got away." crocodile grumbled, holding me with his hook by the hook of my nurse dress as i kicked to no avail. he lifted me up till we were face to face and he smiled darkly, "c-crocodile.. what is the meaning of this?!" i yelled, shutting my eyes in fear and he only chuckled, "having you as an asset is far too useful. i need you in order to build an immortal army..

be my woman." he demanded.

"HUH?!" i yelled, "YOU LET GO OF Y/N NOW!" luffy shouted as he punched crocodile but his hand went through him instead. crocodile then dropped me and i fell on my back. luffy's eyes widened in shock as he grabbed me and jumped a little distance from crocodile.

"y/n.. get out of here. i can handle him." luffy said, standing in front of me, "no luffy! he's outside of our league we need to- we need to get away!" i said shakily but he wouldn't budge.

"enough with your nonsense, straw hat luffy." crocodile said angrily as robin left, "you'll only drag me down if you stay here! now go!" luffy yelled and i immediately stood up and ran, tears were building up in my eyes. before i could go anywhere far the sand pulled me by my leg upwards. my face turned red in both anger and embarrassment so i kicked the sand off and swiftly landed on my feet.

"i won't let you take me as a hostage a second time and make me hold luffy back," i shouted as crocodile shrugged, thinking in his mind that he'll just take me when hes finished with luffy.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now