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I dont know how many days have passed while I sat here, tied up with these sea prism stones. it was constant torture. if I wasn't being beat by the jailers here I was locked up and chained with the sea prism stones. garp has visited me a few times to try and pursue me to join the navy, and update me about the outside and luffy and ace's whereabouts.

I appreciated his visits, even though they'd most of the time he would ask me how im doing, tell me about the outside world and then speak about the navy. in the end he asks me about joining the navy and when I respond with a no he frowns and leaves, telling me he'll come back in a few weeks or days again. depending on how his schedule is.

it felt like months have passed by. he told me that no news about my jailing was released, instead kept secret for whatever reason. when i heard that i sighed and shrugged my shoulders. there was nothing that would've been done even if the news were released. i'd still be locked up and tortured.

i wasn't tortured as much as the other inmates though, probably because of garp. i appreciated their efforts a lot.

i haven't seen the sunlight in so long. my body is constantly aching and im not even allowed to heal myself with my devil fruit, even if i could, i was too exhausted to anyway.

i sat in my dark cell in quiet, the other inmates bickered among themselves and occasionally yelled for me, telling the guards to put me in the same cell as them. for that reason i was thankfully given my own cell.

my cell smelled of blood and iron and it was very cold. by now i've gotten used to the hard ground that i was forced to sit on. my entire body ached, both from the cold hard ground and from the torture i withstood a few minutes earlier.

i sighed, until the heavy iron doors of the level 6 jail suddenly swung open, i raised my head to see what the commotion was about, as there were a lot of guards accompanying the person coming here, which isn't unusual of course, but there were an extra amount this time. when my eyes lied on the person they widened, it was ace! my mouth worked before my brain, "ACE!" i yelled in panic, what was he doing here?!

he immediately looked around for my voice and i stood up, trying to pull out of my chains but fell to my knees when they wouldn't budge, exhaustion taking over me, "ace...!" i whimpered, tears building up in my eyes. i never thought i'd ever see him again.

his eyes quickly fell on your cell, it was dim but ace could make out your form, hunched over and hands chained to the wall. he felt rage building up in him and immediately kicked the nearby guards, trying to cause a stunt so that he can some how reach you. the guards quickly overpowered him though because there was so many of them, and he was thrown into a cell right in front of you.

you two stared at each other with wide eyes
. "h-how long has it been ace? i haven't been able to keep count!" i asked from my cell and he replied, "uhh well this is the first time i hear you're locked up! but i haven't seen you for around 2 months now."

the other prisoners and guards watched as we talked back and forth, i got a little embarrassed but i had to speak with ace no matter what.

"are you injured? i can't see you from over here!" he asked and i hesitantly answered, "y-yes! not that much... just some scars!" i lied. in reality i was bleeding from all over, specially my wrists from struggling so much against the chains.

"how did they catch you?" i asked and he chuckled, "it's a long story... i'll tell you if we get out of here."

a guard chuckled, "if you get out of here? your execution is just in a few hours ace! you'll die and your girlfriend will stay locked up here till the day she dies!" which made more of them laugh.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now