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when I walked into the village a man immediately went up to me, "you're the doctor we hired right?! please come with me!"

I wondered in confusion how he would recognize me since I don't put any pictures of myself but I shrugged and followed him. maybe he recognized me because of my nurse outfit. but it's still unusual, whenever i go on missions like this the residents don't usually recognize me and only think i'm already a doctor in the hospital. as we walked we began approaching a hospital. he lead me through it and into a room filled with soldiers all cut up with their body parts separated from them. my jaw fell to the ground in shock, what the hell? and the body parts that are cut off from the main body can still move around as if they're alive.

"what.. happened? how did this happen?" I asked as I began approaching a man and connected his finger to his hand. surprisingly his hand returned to normal and he had no casualties other than a few small slashes that i could easily heal.

"a pirate.... did this as they fought..." he said, tears building up in his eyes, "it's been hard treating them when we don't know which body part belongs to who.. we've lost 9 men already! we're understaffed too!"

"its okay. please exit the room and leave this to me, they'll be perfectly normal in 5 hours so don't return by then. i need to focus in order for this to take little time." I said as I began changing my gloves into cleaner ones and putting on a mask. the man immediately left and I began working on the bodies.

after 5, almost 6 long exhausting hours i was finally finished with helping the soldiers. i threw my gloves and mask in the bin and wiped the sweat from my forehead. all 200 soldiers were as perfect as new and the man from earlier immediately barged into the room and fell to his knees from relief, "thank you so much..!" he cried and i smiled, "of course. it's my job as a doctor." and with that i left. i'd stay here in this island for a few weeks before going to dressrosa for my next job. my thoughts then wandered to luffy and i wondered how he was doing, maybe i'll write him a letter? but would he even write one back... whatever. those thoughts are for when i get myself a roof above my head.

as i walked out of the village i felt like someone was following me. when i looked behind me there was no one. i tried ignoring it but i knew that ignoring gut feelings was dangerous so i was alarmed. i took out my scalpel and gripped it in my right hand as i wandered around the village until i found myself in front of an inn. i went in and booked myself a room but the lady at the front recognized me and let me have it for free. i tilted my head in confusion. how does she know my purpose here? maybe news travel fast in this village. i took the keys to my room and went out immediately. before resting i'd try taking care of whatever was following me so that i wouldn't risk getting attacked while i slept.

"hey! whoevers following me come out! what could you possibly be following me for?!" i yelled and a bush to my left immediately jumped. i glared at it and slowly 6 .. people... stepped out.... 6 people.

they all frowned deeply and bowed their head, "s-sorry! we just wanted to see who the captain was so interested in.."

"huh? captain?" i then noticed they were wearing the same outfit as bepo but in white, "perhaps.. you are in law's crew?" i asked and they all immediately jumped at their idiocy, having exposed themselves and their captain.


"yes we are." one said interrupting the other and everyone immediately glared at them whispering something like, "shhh! we could've lied!" i sweatdropped again, "i recognized you from your clothes." i said with a sigh.

"shit! i knew we should've bought disguises!" one whispered and i sweatdropped even harder.

"you idiot we don't even have money for that!" another whispered back.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now