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sorry for the inconvenience with inaccuracy to the plot!!!!!! (´;д;')

when we finally arrived to dressrosa luffy reluctantly let me go. he really didn't seem like he wanted me to leave, but i left before he started second thinking his kindness. i'd hoped by the time i'd meet him again he would at least not get so possessive at times, because other than that he's my sweet luffy i've always known.

i walked through the streets of dressrosa. it was a very lively country and the people were all full of smiles. one unusual thing that surprised me were the living toys that lived with everyone else, no one other than me seemed to be surprised at them.

it was unusual, but kind of cute. i continued walking, asking the people around who were more than happy to show me the way until i found myself at the meeting place. it was in the castle. when i stepped in the guards immediately let me in, recognizing me by my face and when the doors opened i was met with a really tall gooey man. "hey! hey! you must be y/n!"

i covered my nose a little, trying not to be obvious with the fact that he didn't smell nice as i nodded quietly. "come with me! i'll introduce you to doflamingo-sama!" he said.

doflamingo? isn't he a warlord?

i felt like banging my head against a window and jumping down a cliff. i promised myself not to work for another pirate and here i am. i sighed. i was already in here so running away is futile. he might capture me and throw me at the government now and there is nothing i can do in his own territory. all I can try to attempt is get on his good side and  maybe he'll spare me..


as we walked through the castle, we finally arrived to a big room. the doors swung open and there sat doflamingo on his desk, taking care of some papers. he looked up, a scowl on his face until his gaze fell on me, "oh? you've brought the pirate nurse to me, thank you trebol. you may leave." and with that trebol left. doflamingo motioned for me to stand in front of his desk.

"i take it you're aware of your position right now?" he chuckled, "you came into enemy territory so easily.. did you not read of me on the newspaper?"

"i don't usually research of my commissioners.. i just come to get the job done and leave." i said, voice barely above a whisper and I avoiding all eyecontact with him at all costs. even sitting down he was still towering over me. i shivered a little under his gaze, he seemed to stare right through my soul from those glasses of his. "ah... i see. you don't need to worry little y/n. as long as you do your job quietly no one will end up getting hurt here." which sounded more like a threat than reassurance.

i nodded nervously again, now lowering my head fully and finding sudden interest in my black shoes. i heard the sound of him standing up and walking to me but i was too scared to move, shaking like a leaf.

he chuckled as he lifted my chin upwards to meet his gaze, his glasses were low so i could see his red eyes. "no need to be so shaken little mouse. i won't bite." he then let go of my chin and i finally felt like i could breathe. "come with me. i'll show you your room and working station."

as he showed me around i couldn't even bring myself to open my mouth whenever he would speak to me, i'd just aggressively nod my head in fear of angering him from my lack of speaking but it just seemed to entertain him even futher. he also had a small habit of going inside of my personal space, probably because my reactions made him laugh every time.

when he finished the guide he walked up to me, "why don't you show me your little devil fruit? are you really as authentic as everyone speaks?" he asks as he slits his wrist and blood poured down from the scar. he lowered his hand to my height and i put my hands ontop of his scar and a white glow emitted from my hands. it was warm and slowly stitched up and healed his scar. he whisteled as he admired his hand, "what a nice power you have... no wonder the government is looking to catch you." he seemed to find joy in teasing me, but reminding me of my place right now when he's someone working for the government wasn't very fun.

i nodded nervously, "not much of a talker are you? well whatever. you'll learn to speak up sooner or later." he shrugged, walking ahead of me as he motioned with his finger to follow with, "one of my precious family members have been hurt. she's going to come to your working station later, make sure to heal her well and then you can have the day off. do whatever you want y'know? but do know that i have eyes on you at all times, if you try to escape.." he suddenly turns to me and i almost knock onto his torso, he put his right thumb on his neck and dragged it the other way, "it'll be over for you and your little career."

"yes.. sir....." i gulped and he smiled, showing his pearly whites, "I'm expecting a lot of good results from you." he then walked off as i entered the room and sat down, trying to calm my furiously beating heart. a few minutes later a girl in a maid dress came limping in and i immediately helped her onto the bed. it seems like she was shot in the stomach and thigh, which is incredibly bad so i began working. first i took out the bullets and then i healed her with my devil fruit. immediately she was perfectly fine, "you're as good as new." I said with a smile.

"aah thank you! i really thought i was a goner there... you're y/n right? i'm baby 5!" she exclaimed and rushed out of the room. i followed after and went into my room as well. when i arrived i jumped into my bed and thought.

i fucked up.

gravely fucked up.

THANK YOU FOR 100+ VOTES!! it's so nice to see that other people enjoy what i enjoy + stuff i make. this is my first book so im very inexperienced but i hope you'll be patient with me as i learn and hopefully create better chapters!

sabo will appear soon and the real yandere story will then begin ^^

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