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i sat on the chair, humming a song as i looked out of the window. the bright blue sky is as beautiful as ever, ahead was an island i was not aware the name of. behind me sat marco, reading books as usual. there wasn't anything else to do around here so sometimes i'd join him with reading or keep staring at ace and hoping for his eyes to flutter open.

only 2 days have passed but it felt like an eternity. shanks crew are very sweet but intimidating so i opted to avoid them at all costs. marco occasionally interacted with them but most of the time he was with me and ace in the medical room.

i sighed.

"something wrong-yoi?"

i frowned, turning to look at marco, "no it's just... i-i'm not a very patient person i guess. i just want ace to wake up already."

he nodded in understanding, "we'll be landing soon so we should prepare and disguise ourselves as well. the people may recognize us and call the authorities on us and we can't have that with ace being unconscious-yoi," he said setting his book down and standing up. "disguises? i don't have any clothes other than my nurse ones though," i said frowning and he laughed, "i'm sure we can get something off shanks crew-yoi."

which is how we ended up dressing up like a married couple. i sweatdropped at the beige dress i wore, my white apron was tight around my waist that enhanced barely anything of my flat chest and on my face sat a pair of big black glasses. we didn't have wigs but my hair was done into a braid and fell on my right shoulder. marco chuckled at my deadpanned expression.

he was wearing a simple suit and a hat to hide his pineapple head. i scoffed at him, "what are you laughing at..?!"

"come on! you look cute-yoi," he said chuckling as my face turned even redder. "w-why am i even wearing an apron!!!!"

"to seem more like a housewife," shanks said laughing along with marco, "this isn't fair! you picked this because you knew i'd be flustered!" i yelled as i tried to take off the apron and undo my braid but marco quickly stopped me, "c'mon wifey don't be like that-yoi," he said with a chuckle as my face emitted steam, "don't call me that!!!"

i scoffed as i walked back to the medical room but i heard a distant, "i didn't knew you'd be such a tsun-tsun, n/n!" from shanks. in the heat of the moment i yelled, "shut up!" and shut the door.

when my eyes lied on ace my previous embarrassed emotions immediately left me as i went to hold his hand, "we'll be landing on a new island soon where you'll recover. please wake up soon..."

i waited there, listening to the distant laughter and conversations of the crew and marco. after a few hours the door suddenly swung open and there stood marco, "we've arrived, let's go. i'll carry ace and you go look for somewhere we can stay. preferably away from the town as i don't want to wear the disguise 24/7." he said as he began approaching. i nodded and went ahead, "bye shanks! thank you for taking us in! i'm forever indebted to you!!"

this island was relatively normal. the wheather was nice and the birds were chirping happily. up ahead you could see a town, a very huge one. a little behind was marco giving ace a piggyback ride who was covered by a black cloth. he looked like he was carrying a corpse...

i shivered and looked away. we'd have to stay away from the town and only go when necessary (for food and stuff).

as we continued walking i noticed a cabin up ahead, "marco! i found a place!" then we rushed towards it.

it was a pretty average sized cabin and it looked deserted. when we went in we confirmed that it was. the inside was incredibly dusty and some appliances were broken. i coughed and covered my face, "oh god... are we gonna have to clean all of this..." i frowned as marco sighed deeply, "i can't take any more of this suffering-yoi...."

i immediately got to work while went into a room with 2 beds. he put ace in the cleanest one and began inspecting the other bed to see if it could be saved. the wood was fine but he would have to buy a new mattress. for this and the one ace was on.

"marco! can you keep an eye on ace? i'll go in town and buy stuff we need." i said as i heard a faint, "alright-yoi!"

when i arrived in town i immediately went to look for bedroom appliances. we'd need a lot of things for the beds. after that i bought cleaning products and food. i walked back carrying all of the heavy stuff but pushed through it. when i arrived marco was immediately by my side and helping me. he would fix the bedroom and clean it while i'd clean the kitchen so we can eat.

after hours of cleaning the cabin was finally perfect. as perfect as it can get. the couch and tables were all fine, just dusty.

me and marco fell on the couch in exhaustion and sighed, "that asshole better wake up before i go insane-yoi..." marco said as i nodded in agreement. i made some bread filled with meat and other things earlier that we were now munching on.

"aah this food is so simple but so good.. my housewife is amazing-yoi," marco teased as my face immediately flared up, "stop teasing me!! and don't talk with food in your mouth!!!" i yelled as marco laughed even harder in my face. i immediately jumped up when i finished my bread and went to the bathroom, "i'm going to take a shower so stay with ace..." i said and closed the door.

i poured water on my dirty hair, my skin was sweaty from working for so many hours non stop. when i finished i dressed up in the bathroom, knowing there was nowhere else in this house with privacy as there was only one bedroom.

when i walked out i noticed it was pretty dark out and very cold. i went into the bedroom and saw marco doing a check up on ace, "is he okay?" i asked as i jumped on the bed.

"yeah. i'm guessing he'll wake up in 2 weeks or so-yoi," marco said, stretching his arms as i frowned, "2 weeks is a l-lot..."

he nodded in agreement and looked at me, "we now face one grave problem. there is only one bed available." i immediately turned pale and stopped brushing my hair, "y-you can have it! i'm not e-even tired anyway!"

"relax, wifey. i can just sleep on the couch or something-yoi," he said with a laugh as i sighed, "are you sure...? i-i mean.. if you want the bed i can just.. sleep on the couch instead..."

"can i really call myself a man if i accept that kinda offer from a lady-yoi?" he joked as he went out of the bedroom. i blushed, he reminded me a little of sabo with how well spoken they both are. i went under the blanket and stared at ace who was sleeping peaceful on the bed beside mine. the moonlight shone through the thin and ripped curtains, illuminating his peaceful face. his breaths were slow and quiet. he had some tubes injected in him that hongo let us have.

slowly my eyes began to shut and i fell asleep.

the birds chirping outside woke me up. the sunlight blinded my eyes as i blinked the sleep away. the first thing i did was to look at ace but my hopes died out when i saw him still sleeping. i sighed and pushed the blanket off of me and washed up in the bathroom. when i went out i saw marco counting the berries we have.

"hmm... we've spent quite a lot of berries yesterday trying to restore this house. it's not a crisis but we might need to find a source of income soon-yoi," marco, noticing my presence.

"i can work at the hospital," i suggested making myself some eggs.

"sure but don't use your devil fruit or they'll realize who you are-yoi." he said shrugging, "we'll only be staying here until ace wakes up so do whatever you want-yoi."

i nodded and continued with what i was cooking.

short update again ! thank you guys for 8.6k reads!!! and 289 votes!!!!!

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