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everyday i'm asking myself why i start a book when i dont own a computer and don't know english -_-

after 2 and a half hours of constantly healing ace we finally finished. now it was time for him to rest. which could take up to a month.
me and marco are completely exhausted. never have i ever healed injuries ever close to being this bad. marco jumped on a nearby chair and exhaled deeply. i threw off my bloodied gloves and mask then collapsed to my knees near the bed ace is lying on.

i was running on adreline these entire hours we've been healing ace and finally when it's over the pain and exhaustion hit me like a truck, "you good y/n?" hongo asked as he began putting away the medical equipments. my vision began getting blurry and all i could hear was a ringing sound, "y-yeah-" and then everything turned dark.


immediately marco rushed to your side, "y/n?!" hongo said as marco held you before you could hit your head, "she's been fighting since impel down... no wonder she's fainted... she's heating up as well. we need to let her rest." marco said carrying you to a nearby bed as ace snored loudly in his sleep. marco chuckled at him, "at least his stupid personality is still here.."

you were put in the bed near ace and was given some medicine to help with your growing fever, "let's let her rest, now you've got some explaining to do." hongo said and marco groaned, "i'm also tired-yoi..." but he complied, hunching over tiredly. they walked out of the medical room and saw the crew all minding their own business, "hey hongo! finished already?" yasopp said which caught the rest of the crews attention, "you must be marco, eh? why don't you join us! we've got plenty of drinks to share."

marco hesitantly approached them, both intimidated and exhausted from healing and took a seat near yasopp who immediately handed him a cup of beer. marco immediately accepted and drank it all in one gulp and exhaled deeply. all of his limbs were aching and he just wanted to sleep. he was about to tell what happened until shanks came, "guys come on! he's been actively healing for 3 hours with barely any breaks let the little bird rest!" he laughed and the others groaned, "fine... we'll interview you later so prepare yourself." one said with a hiccup, holding his drink. marco immediately ran back to the medical room and fell asleep on one of the beds.

when i woke up it was pretty dark, the sun just started beginning to rise and you could smell the nice salty ocean. the ship rocked back and forth in a comfortable matter and i almost felt like going back to sleep but i stood up, wanting to check on ace. i looked around and saw that i was still in shanks ship, ace was sleeping in his own bed but marco was sleeping near me snoring loudly. ace and marco's loud snores combined made my head explode so i immediately went out. the ship was very quiet, opposite of the lively laughter from earlier. the crew all seemed to be passed out drunk in the ship but one was still awake, leaning against the crows nest and staring out in the sky which reminded me of luffy. my heart hurt a little thinking about him but i pushed the thought away and walked up to the person, "you're awake? it's been 2 days of you and marco sleeping." he said and i recognized the voice to belong to shanks.

"2 d-days?! has ace awakened in that time?" i asked nervously, "nah... sorry sweetheart but he's been dead asleep all this time." he said, drinking what seemed to be booze. i grimanced a little, not being a fan of alcoholic drinks.

"we'll have to drop you off soon in a nearby island. we're on our way to a place.. you'll visit when you're ready for it." he said and i tilted my head in confusion but decided not to question it, "thank you. letting us stay in your ship all these days is enough for us." i said quietly and she shrugged his shoulders, "that's the least i can do for the old man.. " he said under his breath before gulping his drink down. "aah all this drinking has gotten me sleepy!" he said with a yawn, a heavy blush covered his face that i just now noticed when i looked closer in him. he suddenly swung his hand around my shoulders and pulled me down to sit beside him with such strength that i didn't have time to even complain. he pulled me closer and basically used me as a pillow. i stood there still as a rock while he used me basically as a bed now too.... he was snoring softly. i tried to push his hands off of me but he was too strong even in his sleep. i sighed and gave up. another nap wouldn't be bad... and then i tried to fall asleep.

sorry for short chapter today i was busy !


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