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"I always feel happy with you..."


"..you're the sweetest.."


where am I?


who are you?


my eyes immediately swung open and I jumped up from my bed. my heartbeat was rushing and sweat covered my entire body. I looked around me to see hancock standing over me worriedly, "luffy-kun are you okay..? you weren't waking up!" she asked worriedly as i exhaled deeply, sinking into the bed. i waved my hand back and forth and put my other one over my forehead, "no... I'm fine... just tired." I responded, pushing the blanket off of me and walking out of the building. I could feel Hancock's worried gaze on me but I couldn't care about that right now.

"y/n..." I mumbled, clutching my chest. I  missed her so much. separating from her has ruined me that I keep having dreams of her every night. I can't stand being away from her.

I've never felt this stuff before. it's all so new to me.. I don't know how to act... I shook my head and continued walking to the kitchen. I'll just eat some meat to distract myself. meat is the best anyway

"SABO-KUUUUN!!!!" we all heard. it was the same voice from the phone. ahead of us we all saw a girl in pink rushing towards sabo and jumping ontop of him. she hit him hard with her arms as he tried to shield his head from her attack, "HOW DARE YOU HANG UP ON ME LIKE THAT!!! I'VE BEEN SO WORRIED!!!" she yelled as he grunted, "agh don't hit me....!!! it hurts!"

the beating continued for a few seconds until ace coughed which caught her attention. immediately her gaze went to us and her eyes widened, "who are these people?" she asked as she stood up, holding sabo up by his shirt. he held her hand and stood up in his full height as he wiped the dirt away from his clothes, "thats my brother. and my ... childhood friend," he said pointing at us.

the girl blushed and bowed at us, "im so sorry for what you just witnessed!! my name is koala... I'm sabo's subordinate..!!" she said in embarrassment and turned to look at sabo, "why didn't you tell me we would be having guests..?!!!" she whisper yelled but we still heard it. he sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "didn't think it was important."

she facepalmed at him but held her anger back. instead she turned to us and said, "come along! sabo seems to trust you since he took you here so let's go to the base!"

me and ace nodded as we followed her. sabo was walking a little distance ahead of us, whistling a song.

"oh yeah.. my name's ace. this is y/n" said ace, who wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I blushed and waved at her shyly. she waved back with a bright smile.

we continued walking a little while until we ended up in front of a while huge building. "alright y/n c'mere.. ill show you your room." said sabo as he pulled me away by my waist. "hold on what about me?" asked ace with a scowl. sabo laughed at him and pointed at the outside, "you can sleep outside," he teased.

"so where are our rooms going to be?" I asked as I looked around, the area looked deserted as no one was here. there was furniture and desks but it looked untouched. "ah we have a shortage of rooms so I thought if you slept in mine it would solve the problem," sabo said with a prideful smile as koala and ace grimaced from the back, "I never knew you could be such a pervert..." ace said. koala blushed and pointed an accusing finger on sabo, "we don't have a shortage of rooms at all sabo!!" she yelled in disbelief. sabo only laughed in response as I sweatdropped. I hit his side softly, "be serious!" I said as I huffed. he finished laughing and put his hand back on my waist, pulling me closer. "alright alright you'll have individual rooms and they're in the 3rd story. let me introduce you to dragon first and let him know about your stay," sabo said as koala's mouth fell open in disbelief, "you mean you never told him?!!????"

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