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omg school is actually so hard I have a learning disability and I am on the spectrum but they are educating me as if I am a normal student

and bots keep contacting me on Instagram!!!!° stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(ಠ ∩ಠ)

warning this chapter contains sexual jokes

we continued conversing on my bed until ace's stomach began growling, "fuck I'm so hungry..." he groaned as I nodded, "yeah we haven't eaten in a while..."

sabo stood up, stretching a little, "c'mon I'll show you where you can eat. I'm gonna be going out to a mission tomorrow so I'll show you around everywhere while we're at it as well."

me and ace nodded happily and followed after him. he guided us through the place and I made mental notes of everything while ace seemed like he was giving up on remembering anything, his focus was all on his angry and hungry stomach. "are we there yet...?" he said in devestation, his hunger was killing him.

"yeah soon. we just gotta see the training ground and the medical room since I imagine you two would like to spend your time there while I'm away." sabo said as ace groaned but nodded.

as we continued walking we were greeted by sabo's subordinates.

"you seem to be popular around here..." I said as a man greeted sabo , who greeted back.

"since I'm the nr 2 of the army I'd sure expect them to know who I am," he laughed as me and ace's jaws fell to the floor.

"nr 2?! doesn't that mean you're like super important?!" we said as sabo laughed, "yeah but it ain't a big deal."

"we gotta work on what "aint a big deal" is for you!" I exclaimed in shock.

"aw, you're making me blush," sabo joked.

we continued walking and sabo showed us the training grounds and the medical room. and finally we arrived in the cafeteria. ace rushed to the food lady and got himself 2 full plate of everything there was. the chef stared at him in shock as ace carried two full plates of food. "sorry about him he's not normal...." I said with a blush as I got myself some food as well.

when we all got our food we went to an empty table and started eating. sabo and ace were speaking with their mouths full of food, arguing about whatever. the sight was disgusting but after living with them for so long I was honestly used to it. they were definetly making a scene though as many people turned to look at the commotion... suddenly ace fell asleep midst eating. his face fell on his plate of food and he began loudly snoring. I sighed and sabo laughed at him, "what an idiot!"

"don't be mean! it's his narcolepsy!" I lectured as he nodded, now trying to hide his laughter but absolutely failing. ace's head rises slowly and he looks around in confusion. crumbs from his food decorated his face and I pulled him closer to me by his ear, "sit still your face is dirty." I sighed as I began wiping the crumbs off with some paper. once I finished he immediately returned to eating as if nothing had happened. I sighed again but smiled at his antics and continued eating as well.

when we all finished we left and went back to my room. ace began stretching with a satisfied smile on his face, his pants dipping a little and showing his v-line. "that sure was some good food..." he groaned as sabo nodded, "the chefs are amazing."

I blushed and nodded. the orange sunlight poured in from the window where I saw a beautiful sunset. I looked down on my clothes and saw that I had the same short pink dress and white sleeves on and awkwardly looked up at sabo who was unbuttoning his jacket beside me. "umm.. I don't want to be a bother but is there a change of clothes you could lend me..?" I asked shyly.

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now