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we walked through the town together, me in the middle and ace and luffy each by my side. they were discussing luffy's crew as he began describing each of them. i found myself trying to savour the moment for as much as i could, this really did remind me of how things used to be back then. when sabo was alive.

"hey y/nn? earth to y/n!" luffy said, waving his hand in front of my face. "y-yeah? sorry.. i was zoned out.." i said with a nervous laugh, "well anyway.. as i was saying before, what's your job in alabasta anyway? gotta have something to do with your occupation yeah?"

"yess! i'll be staying here for a few days only though... maybe a week? after that i have to go to the navy headquarters... they summoned me for some reason.."

"THE NAVY?!!!! WHAT FOR!!!!!!" both ace and luffy shouted.

"well.. it might have to do with my devil fruit. after all, having a doctor who can heal an entire army with one touch makes you unstoppable." i sighed. luffy and ace immediately stopped walking and ace grabbed me by the hands and held them close to his chest. "y/n. you can't join the navy. we're pirates for gods sake!"

"yeah! how will we be able to ever meet again? you'll also just get punished if you're seen with us! please y/n!" luffy begged, "we finally met after so many years too!"

i was too shocked to speak, "i-.. i know... but i don't want to anger the navy.." i frowned and ace dragged me along with him, "i'll introduce you to pops. why don't you join the whitebeard pirates y/n? he'll keep you safe and we can stay together forever."

"hey! y/n join my crew we're so much cooler!!" luffy whined and tugged my arm i blushed and laughed, "don't put such a hard choice on me!"

"fire fist ace! your head is mine." some man said but we continued walking.

"ace you've strangely matured since then.. you're like, the complete opposite of the kid ace i remember. what happened while i was away?" i asked, changing the subject.

ace blushed, "well.. i don't think i changed that much."

"reallyy? you haven't bullied me or luffy this entire time. that's so unusual for you.." i giggled and he turned his head away, "c'mon i wasn't that mean.."


"you were such a tsun-tsun!" i laughed and so did luffy, agreeing with me.

"i was not!" he yelled, face completely red.

luffy began laughing even harder, "HE STILL IS AHAHAHAH!"

"HEY LUFFY!-" just as ace turned to look at luffy, he saw the bandits trying to jump and attack you three so he immediately pulled you away and luffy dodged from reflex.

"hey watch where you're aiming that sword!"

"you're our target idiot!" one of them said and attacked again except this time i kicked him in the face, "don't scare us like that, you jerks!" and then luffy deflected the bullets they shot at us.

i was standing there in shock, i thought luffy didn't change since we saw him but i really did underestimate him. his gummy fruit was pretty useful in battles like this!

suddenly someone swung their sword at me but i was too distracted to move in time. immediately ace was inbetween us and held his sword with his bare hands, "woah there! why are you attacking an innocent lady? haven't your parents taught you not to hit girls?"


"gum-gum... BAZOOKA!!!!" and with that the man was thrown away into.. god knows where.

"c'mon! let's go to your ship luffy!" ace said as he dragged me away, "i dunno where it is."

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now