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hi so i have something to say! i'm finally able to write on a computer instead of my phone (only when i go to the library though) so if i don't update for a while it's because of that. story will be better now (hopefully) that i won't rush it because my fingers hurt from typing on my phone!

months have passed and luffy still chases after ace everyday. and everyday he comes home injured, and i'm forced to patch him up. not that i'm complaining, these past few months i haven't really been interacting with anyone my age (ace since he's the only 10 year old i know...) as he runs off probably to play with his friend sabo as soon as the sun rises. he also comes back incredibly late only to eat, wash up and sleep. and luffy follows after him and is gone for basically as long. so the only time i can really interact with luffy is when im bandaging him up. sometimes i really do feel bad for him because for these months ace has always denied him. where does that determination come from? i have no idea... but i've never met anyone as determined as him.

despite me and luffy not interacting that much other than me patching him up, i still feel as though we have became closer. he now talks to me about ace and his "adventures" as he chases after him (basically getting beat almost half to death) in excitement. i was always worried at the start but now i'm too used to even blink when he mentions things like, "he kicked down this huge tree on me and for a second i really thought i was gonna die until i remembered i was made out of gummy!" he would then laugh and tell me that he's slowly making progress but all the progress i see is how far his body is gonna go until it shuts down. literally, no normal person should be able to withstand all of this stuff!

"and then ace kicked the mountain and then it was like BOOM! because all the rocks ontop of it fell down on me! it was really cool though you should've seen how he just kicked it a little and so many rocks fell!" he exclaimed excitedly, sitting on the toilet and impatiently swinging his legs as i cleaned up the dirt from the bump on his forehead. probably from the impact.

"luffy you're really dirty you'll need more than me scrubbing off some of the dirt this time.."

"NOOO! i hate showers!!" he pushed my hands away and ran off, "LUFFY! wait i wasn't done!! COME BACK!" i put my stuff away and chased after him. i was shorter than ace but taller than luffy so when i caught up i hugged him from behind and pulled him away.

"nooooo don't do this y/n! why are you acting like a mom all of a sudden..... noooooooooo!!!!!!"

i sighed and dumped him into the bath, his clothes were removed of course after i bribed him with some meat, but he was still reluctant.

"stupid bath... stupid rocks and stupid y/n..." he grumbled.

"hey! i heard that! and i'm just doing whats best for you to recover!" i said and bonked his head.

"can we bathe together then? it's boring when i'm alone.." he frowned and i almost gave into his puppy eyes until i remembered how dirty he was, "you're too dirty for that luffy! geez when was the last time you showered..."

"eeeeh i don't remember... but it doesn't matter! i don't have time for showers! i have to train to be the king of the pirates! and eat a lot of meat! and chase ace..."

"again with this king of pirates stuff? won't garp be really mad if you become a pirate..?" i asked as i sat on a chair beside him holding soap.

"who cares what he thinks! i'm gonna be the king of the pirates no matter what!" he said with determination, "why don't you become a pirate too y/n? or are you gonna stay holed up in this island?! that's really boring i can't imagine doing that..."

"well... i haven't thought about anything like that i just assumed i'd.. become a doctor and help the people of this island that's all." i sighed.

"hey y/n.. won't you join my crew?"he asked as i scrubbed his head and didn't answer. in response he kept sinking down into the water to avoid my hands. i bonked him in the head, "ow.." and with that he sat up. but of course not still..

Pirate Nurse ♡ ONE PIECE X Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now