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I was sitting in the classroom with daze while looking outside in the window.

Yn : ahh!!
I signed.

Teacher :- yn!!!!

As i heard his voice I get up quickly.

Yn :- yes!

Teacher :- is my lesson that boring?!

Yn :- no! Not at all sir. I'm sorry.

Moe :- are you okey yn?
She whisper.

I just nodded with my sad face and start seeing outside the window i saw some boys playing basketball but surprisingly i notice taehyung playing with them as well and having fun.

Yn : wait!! What the heck!!As i realised that i was been fooled by him, i screamed loudly in classroom

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Yn : wait!! What the heck!!
As i realised that i was been fooled by him, i screamed loudly in classroom

Yn :- ahhh~~ whyy!! What about the injury? This is so frustrating..
I have been deceived.

All the students gathered around the classroom window.

Teacher :- who have been deceived?

Yn :- nothing!! I'm sorry sir.
I said while pouting.


I sit with moe and opened my lunch box as she saw my my lunch box she said.

Moe :- what is this? Rice and cucumber without cutting.


After having my dinner I walked in washroom to take shower as i come back i saw taehyung laying on my bed and sleeping peacefully.

After having my dinner I walked in washroom to take shower as i come back i saw taehyung laying on my bed and sleeping peacefully

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Yn :- what is this!!!! It's my bed

Get up now!!

Tae :- it's cold mmm
He said in sleepy voice.

Y/n :- but it's mine

I took deep sigh and slept on other side of the bed.

Next Morning..

I wakeup with voice of alarm as i opened my eyes i saw taehyung face is just front of my face and his arm was on my shoulder.

Yn : hye!!

As i put his arm away from me put his another arm on me and pulled me closer. I fall on his chest, i struggle myself and get up from him.

Y/n :- I'm late.
I hurriedly moved get ready for school and packed my lunch box with just rice and cucumber, i don't even have time to cut it and make salad.


Yn :- umm~~ moe there is lot of things happening at home.

Moe :- you live alone and still have lot of problems..
She said while eating.

Yn : moe!! You know. That guy, taehyung!!

Moe : i have come to like him even more when you says his name again!

Y/n : why? Even you have been told such horrible words from him? You still like him?

Moe : yn, you don't know anything. He is just so cool since he is our prince. That's why he said like that. This is what, which make him so cool.

Yn : is that so...

joy : did you heard? Jennie from class B is going to get expelled from school.

yeri : the truth is that she have been living in apartment with her boyfriend.

Moe : such an idiot right!?
Although it's such a nice thing to live together.
She giggled.

Yn : for just living together, our school is going to make such a horrible decision?

joy :- since it will cause lot of troubles and Our school is really so strict, we all know it, very well.

"Hell what if someone find out that me and taehyung living together what will happen. I should keep it secret as much as i can." I thought In my mind.

To be continues___________

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