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Yn : tae.
My voice shakes. God, this looks so much worse than it is.

Jungkook steps around me and turns toward the door to the restaurant kitchen, as if taehyung don't even exist to him. Taehyung's eyes are glued to jungkook's back. At the moment jungkook reached the kitchen door, he paused.

Yn pov.
No, no, no Don't look back, keep walking please.

Jungkook spins back and walked toward taehyung, he grabbed him by his collar of his shirt. Almost as soon as it happens. Taehyung forces jungkook back and slams him against the opposite wall. Jungkook lunges for taehyung again, this time shoving his forearm against taehyung's throat, pinning him against the wall.

Jungkook : you touch her again and I'll cut your fucking hand off and shove it down your throat, you worthless piece of shit!!.

Jungkook : you touch her again and I'll cut your fucking hand off and shove it down your throat, you worthless piece of shit!!

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Yn : Jungkook stop.
I yell.

Jungkook releases taehyung forcefully, taking a huge step back. Taehyung is breathing heavily, staring at jungkook. Then his focus moves directly to me.

Yn pov
I was not able to look at taehyung as he is probably thinking the absolute worst possible thing right now. I looked at jungkook and see dispointment all over his face. Before I can explain everything to taehyung. He turns and walks away, i run behind him. We took cab to home and he didn't talked to me the entire time.


Yn : it wasn't what it looked like, taehyung i swear.

He looked at me with fire in his eyes, i can feel like his blood is boiling.

Tae : i don't want this stressful freaking relationship in my life. I don't want this shit!!

He was hurting because of what he saw and thinks but his words still piss me off.

Yn : well, then leave! LEAVE ME!!!
i yell

Tae : what? Is it that easy for you?

Yn : i don't want to be someone's stress, don't you trust me at all? You didn't even listened what the hell happened there.

I said in frustration. He was looking down but he lifts it slightly looking up at me.

Tae : what made that jungkook angry over me. did you tell him about vegas, like what happened that day was all because of me?

I shake my head as no.

Tae : and what the hell, he was doing in bathroom with you?

Yn : he followed me in there. He thought, i got this scar from you. That was just misunderstanding. You know i love you so much. I sware, there is nothing between me and jungkook.

Tae : yn i trust you the most but you know when i saw you with him.... That hurt. I never want to feel that again.

Yn : i don't want to be with anyone else, i just want you taehyung.

Tae :i love you yn and I'm sorry I got angry on you.

He hugged me tightly, pressing a kiss on my shoulder.

Yn : i love you too.

I wish I could wash away the entire last few hours.

Jungkook is wrong about taehyung.
I just wish jungkook knew he was wrong about taehyung.

To be countinue ___________

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