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He pushed me!!

Tae : does it hurt anywhere else? Your arms? Legs?
He asked in cold voice.

Yn : you pushed me!
I say through my tears.

Tae : you fall.

He says calmly and get up from the bed. He opened my phone and placed on my pillow next to me.

Tae : if you need anything, I'm sure you can call this number.

I looked at the phone and saw jungkook's number.

Yn : taehyung..
I says while sobbing.

He opened the front door and went outside. I covered my face with my hands and started crying harder than i have ever cried. I feel destroyed.
Five minutes.
That's all it takes to completely destroy a person.

Fifteen minutes later..

I was still lying on bed and crying at moment taehyung walked in. He stare at me for few seconds with teary eyes and than rushes at me, falling to his knees at the side of the bed. He grab my hands gently.

Tae : yn.
His hands was shaking and whole face was twisting in pain.

Tae : I can't take this, I can't. Ple-please tell me you aren't seeing him, please.

I didn't say anything and just looked at him.

Tae : it hurts so much, I don't know why but I can't bare you with anyone else.. not at all. I love you so much yn.

Yn :- you love me?
I said quietly.

Tae : yeah yeah i lov-love you so much really i-i really love you so much.

He said in broken tone while his tears was coming down from his cheeks.

Yn : than why you pushed me? Why the hell you don't listen to me? Why don't you trust me? Huh?I said while crying

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Yn : than why you pushed me? Why the hell you don't listen to me? Why don't you trust me? Huh?
I said while crying.

Tae : yn i trust you the most, i just don't know i was unable to handle my aggregation.

Yn : i told you before, there is  nothing between me and jungkook now just get out of here.

He stands up, his back meets the wall behind him and he stares at me silently.

Tae : yn i didn't pushed you, you fell down the stairs.

I don't know if he is trying to convince me or himself.

Yn : get out right now!!!
I repeat myself in frustration.

Yn : get out right now!!!I repeat myself in frustration

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He remains frozen at the same place. I sit up on the bed. I take the pillow and throw at him, like it could actually do damage.

I yell.

He catches the pillow and went outside the room.

next morning..

I get up, take shower and wear my school uniform.

I get up, take shower and wear my school uniform

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I went outside my room for having breakfast. I saw taehyung sleeping on couch while hugging the pillow as he heard noise he get up in hurry and come behind me.

Tae : yn!!! yn!!!
He call me while walking around me.

I didn't talk to him at all and doing my work.

Tae : yn please listen to me, don't do it I'm so sorry I love you so much please yn at least talk to me?

To be countinue________

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