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Tae : okey let's go home than. No one can see us there!
He smirked

At night

We was laying on bed facing eachother. Taehyung running his fingers through my hair and looking into my eyes.

Tae : yn
He whispers, looking at me sincerely.

Tae : you just might be the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Yn pov
Those words wrap around me like a warm blanket. I didn't know what to say in response. He lifts a hand and gently cups my cheek, and i feel his stare deep in my stomach. Slowly, he lean forward and presses his lips to mine. I expect a peak, but he doesn't pull back. The tip of his tongue slides across my lips, parting them softly. His mouth is so warm, i moan as his kiss grows deeper.

He rolls me onto my back and then drags his hand down my body, he started kissing me all over. His every touch was giving me butterflies as this is the first time i have been touched by any guy. Tae is all confident. He knows exactly where to touch me and exactly how to kiss me.

He takes me brazenly in one fast thrust and i gasp into his mouth, every muscle in me tensing. His mouth is fierce and needy, kissing me everywhere he can reach. I grow so dizzy, i can do nothing but just moan.
He is unapologetic in the way he fucks me. His hand comes on the top of my head as he pushes harder and harder, the bed crushing against the wall with every puch.My nails dig into the skin of his back as he buries his face against my neck.

Yn :- taeee
I whispered.

Yn :- ahhh... Ahh.. slow..
I said while moaning out loud.

Yn :- taehyung!!.
I scream.

My whole body feels it from my head to toes. I'm afraid i might literally pass out for a moment, so i tighten my legs around him and he tenses.

Tae : are danmm hot and cute too.

his body ripples with tremors, he shoves against me one last time. It was already 5th round. His head falls back against my neck. We both was breathing so heavily. He turned and throw himself on pillow. He pressed his face against the pillow and let out a deep breath. "Hot as hell"

He turned his face back to me. His eyes are full of something . . . . I don't know what. He presses his lips to mine, i hugged him and we went into deep sleep.


I wake-up from sleep and rubbed my eyes as i looked around there was no sign of taehyung. I got up from bed at started looking for him as i entered the kitchen i saw taehyung moving things from here to there.

 I got up from bed at started looking for him as i entered the kitchen i saw taehyung moving things from here to there

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n : tae....what are you doing?

Tae : cooking for you.
He smiled.

I said in shock.

Tae : ofcourse i know as i lived alone for long time.

I walked near him and sit on chair near kitchen counter.

Yn : what are you making?

Tae : cookies.

He said and walked with the bowl in his hand and stuck a spoon in the choco mixture. He brought the spoon up to my mouth and i tasted it. One of my weakness is cookie dough, and this is the best i ever have tasted.

Yn : oh wow
I said while licking my lips.

To be countinue ______

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