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I yell.

They all went home along with jimin, taehyung was laying on the bed and i was sitting beside him. I bandage tae wounds.

Jimin : I'm sure that vegas will never dare to come in your way again.

Tae : hmm you are right and thank you so much hyung.

Jimin : come on, you don't have to thank me and i should go now, you should take some rest.

Tae : yea..see you later.

Jimin said and walked outside.

Yn :-taee are you really okey!!

I said While Sobbing, i never imagine that i will see him like this.

Tae : yn I'm okey, don't worry.
He smiled.

I nodded while looking down, taehyung hold my hand softly and looked into her eyes.

Tae : you know, i again fall in love with you when you kicked Vegas for me even you was scared.

Yn : huh!? Again?

Tae : hm...Again and again everyday, you make me fall in love with you.

He said and kissed my hand.

Tae : Can I have you for the rest of my life? Can I be your boyfriend?

I looked into his eyes and nodded. As he lean toward my lips i closed my eyes and tae kissed my lips softly. As he look at me, i got shy and hugged him tightly to avoid eye contact with him.

Tae : ahh... Auuu.. it hurts.

Yn : I'm sorry, sorry.
I smiled and he hugged me back.


I was sitting with my friends at school cafeteria.

Moe : Hye... All of you, look there taehyung is coming.

Joy : woooh taehyung.

Momo : wait is he coming towards us?

He stright walked on our table and looked at me.

Tae : may i sit with you guys?

Moe : yes please..
She giggled.

He sit beside me.

Moe : hlo taehyung, do you remember me?

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Moe : hlo taehyung, do you remember me?

Tae : ofc i do. Someone give me huge speech about you.
He said while teasing yn.

Jimin saw taehyung sitting with yn and walked near them.

Jimin : ohh taehyung what are you doing here? Are you looking for me?

Tae : no.. I'm here to pick my girlfriend.

Jimin : ohh okey.. WAIT WHATT.. GIRLFRIEND YOURS???

Moe : huh... You are in relationship? With who?

Tae : um it's secret.

Yn : I'm going home.
I stand up from my chair immediately.

Moe : Why that's so sudden?

Taehyung looked at me stand up as well.

Jimin : oh? Where are you going taehyung? You haven't answered me yet!!

Tae : I'm going home. I told, i come to pick my girlfriend.

Moe : huh?

Tae put his arm on my shoulder and smiled.

Tae : my girlfriend is going home, so I'm leaving too. Right yn?

Everyone was so shocked from this sudden announcement. They stare at us with pale face.

Yn : let's go.
I hold his hand and dragged him away from them.

Tae : whatt?
He said laughingly.

Yn : are you idiot? What was you telling them. Don't you know if someone get to know that we live together what will happen!!!

Tae : miss. Sweet mouth..

He kissed my face and smiled sweetly.

Yn : taehyung!!!!!! What are you doing? Someone might see us!!
I whispered.

Tae : okey let's go home than. No one can see us there!
He smirked

 No one can see us there!He smirked

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To be countinue___________

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