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Moe : did i ever lie to you?

Yn : moooeeeeee!!
I started crying while hugging her tightly.

Moe : oiiii wait wait i can't breath.

Yn : moe...I love you.

Moe : eh okey okey i love you too.


After school yn and tae was walking back to apartment. Yn saw beautiful necklace in the shop window and stopped there.

 Yn saw beautiful necklace in the shop window and stopped there

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Yn : waaahh!! so pretty.

Tae : wanna buy it?
He looked at me as asked.

Yn : no way. I don't have that much money.

Tae : ah okey.
He said and started walking.

Yn : wait for me.

Tae : you didn't need to buy that.

Yn : huh?

Tae : the necklace, you look pretty even without wearing it.

We entered in our apartment while talking and saw yeji standing in front of yn door.

Yeji : you live together with this girl, so it's really true?

Tae : yeah, that's a long story. 

Yeji : than, you can just go back hom-

Tae : why she is just living together with me, that's none of your business.

Yeji : ahhh.....I didn't get it at all.

Tae : it's nothing to be argued about.

Yeji : tae.....Wait!!!

Tae opened the door and walked inside while yn was still standing there with yeji.

Yeji : you must be so happy right. Living with handsome guy like taehyung.

Yn : it's not like that, just the situation can't be helped. It's just a coincidence.

Yeji : ohh just shut up, i know it very well wt's going on here. I already told you once if you started liking him, it's just a waste of time. He will never date a girl like you.

Yn : why are you so confident about it.

Yeji : what?
She rolled her eyes and laughed at me.

Yeji : Our relationship can't be separated. for the sake of taehyung happiness I'm here. You don't know anything so just stay away from him.

She said and went away while i was standing there blankly. I looked around and walked inside.

Yn : yeji went back home.

Tae : hmm okey.

Yn : tae-

Tae : what? Say.

Yn : um.....nothing.
I went in kitchen and start putting fruits and veggies in the fridge.


I was walked back home after finishing my school. At moment i heard someone calling her name.

???  : yn!!!

I turned back and saw a guy in the car waving his hand. She went towards the car and looked inside.

Yn : ahh...hello.

??? : tae is not back yet?

Yn : i-i don't know, why are you asking me?

???  : because you are living together with him.

Yn : huh?

??? : i heard it from yeji waaa!! It's really hard to believe.

Yn : wt's your relationship with taehyung.

??? : ohh sorry I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm vegas, yeji's friend somehow know taehyung too.

Yn : you...Know what is the relationship between tae and yeji?

Vegas : you like him right?

Yn : ah..no..no.

He laughed.

Vegas : it's easy to tell. There have been always lot of problems in taehyung and his family so yeji always helped him. She take him out to play and have fun with jimin till they were kids.

Yn : is that so.

Vegas : well that's so far what you and your childhood friends do. You wanna know further?

Yn : yes.

Vegas : umm but only in one condition.

Yn : huh?

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Yn : huh?

Vegas : you know why I'm meeting you here like that?

He hold my face and kissed me forcefully. I got scared and pushed him away.

Yn : what are you trying to do.
I screamed.

To be continues ___________

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