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Tae : yn please listen to me, don't do it I'm so sorry I love you so much please yn at least talk to me?

I slamed the door behind me and went to school.

At school

It's been a moment i bought a new phone, i was sitting in school garden alone. At the moment i saw jimin walking towards me.

Jimin : hye yn.
He smiled

Yn : hye.
I forced a smiled

Jimin : how are you now?

Yn : good.
I said while looking down.

Jimin : i know everything, yn trust me he is not a bad guy, he just got some temper issues from childhood.

Yn : i trust him but he is the one who don't trust me.

Jimin : you know, you both should talk and clear things up. He love you so much, it's just his anger which is making things worse and you should talk with jungkook too.

I nodded as he said.

Jimin : you understand what I'm trying to say right?

Yn : hm right, i will.
I tear fall from my eye.

Jimin : don't worry yn, everything will be okey.

He put his arm around my shoulder and start patting.

Yn : thank you jimin. You are like my guardian angel.
I looked at him and smiled.

Jimin : ah I know I'm angel.
He laughed.

Jimin : uhh by the way, our final exams are starting from next week.

Jimin : uhh by the way, our final exams are starting from next week

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Yn : yes, we are going to be graduated from school very soon.

Jimin : i don't think i will.
He laughed.

Yn : me too, we should start studying.

Jimin : that's why i said you should clear everything with taehyung and jungkook after this you can focus on your studies.

Yn : yes.
I smiled.

At evening

I call taehyung and jungkook at cafe near school. I'm sitting alone in cafe and waiting for them. I saw taehyung entering in cafe, it looks like he come while running, he was breathing heavily. He come near my table and take a seat.

Tae : y-yn...
He said while breathing heavily.

Yn : was you running what happened? Have some water.

I gave him glass of water and he drink it.

Tae : nothing nothing, yn....are you still angry with me? Don't tell me you call me here to breakup with me!!!! I love you so much yn. I really didn't push you. I was just angry and I'm so so sorry that i thought you are cheating me with jungkook. I trust you so much and i love you, please don't breakup with me.

He said everything in one breath, he was looking terribly afraid. I didn't speak for few seconds and just stare at him.

Yn : I didn't call you here for breakup. I forgive you because i love you too idiot.

Tae : huh.... really i mean really yn thank you so much, believe me this will never happen in future, i love you so much too.

He said while smiling, i can feel he is crazily happy. At the moment, jungkook enter in cafe and take seat with us.

Jungkook : what is he doing here?
He pointed at taehyung

Jungkook : what is he doing here?He pointed at taehyung

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To be countinue ____________

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