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Yn - i love you too.

I wish I could wash away the entire last few hours. After this hectic day we both went straight to bed. He drop his head on my neck and started kissing it so hard.

It hurts."ouch."

He lowers himself on top of me and mutters into my neck.

Tae : I'm giving you a hickey. Don't move.

I laughed, but i let him do it. His lips remain in the same spot, sucking and kissing until i can no longer feel a sting. He countinues kissing and giggling with me for a long time.


Yn pov
After taking morning shower, i come outside and saw taehyung sitting on couch with phone in his hands and a serious look on his face.

Yn povAfter taking morning shower, i come outside and saw taehyung sitting on couch with phone in his hands and a serious look on his face

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Yn : taehyungahh, you are scaring me. What's wrong?

He hold up my phone and just looks at me like i should know what's happening.

Tae : funny thing.

He showed me the jungkook's chats with me. Which was actually quite friendly but as he is my childhood friend, we are so close to have all kind of jokes and talk but taehyung properly misunderstand this thing.

Yn : it's nothing taehyung.

I grab my phone from his hand. At that moment, i got a notification in my phone. danmit it was jungkook voice mail. Taehyung grab my phone and tighten his fist around it.

Tae : it's like you are hiding things from me, it's weird.
He said in cold voice.

He heard the voice mail near his ear. He chunks my phone clear across the room and it crashes against the wall, shattered to the floor. He stands up from the couch and walks stright outside the door.
He leaves..

Yn : taehyung!!

I open the door and run after him. He was walking down on stairs. I reached him and grab his shirt in my fist.

Yn : tae please, let me explain.

He grabs my wrist and pushes me away from him.


Tae : be Still.

I feel his hands on me. Gentle. Steady.  His voice is soothing. my head hurts.

Yn : taehyung?

I try to open my eyes but the light is too bright. I can feel a sting at the corner of my eye and i wince. I try to sit up, but i feel his hand press down on my shoulder which make me lay down again.

Tae : you have to be still until I'm finished yn.

I open my eyes again and looked up at the ceiling. It's our bedroom. My mouth hurts when i tried to speak, so i bring my hand up and cover it.

Tae : you fell down from the stairs.

My eyes meet his. He looks hurt and angry at the same time. I feel confused. I closed my eyes and try to remember what happened.
My phone.
Jungkook's voice mail
The stairs.
I grabbed his shirt.
He pushed me away.
He said i fell down the stairs.
But i didn't fall.
He pushed me.

He pushed me away!!!

To be countinue ___________

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