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I was standing outside the shop and seeing the rain. I turned back and  saw sale sign in bakery I got exited and jump inside.

Yn : waaahhh~~!!
I said While roaming in the shop.

Worker :- welcome mam!!

Yn : hello~~Waao-hhh it look so delicious.

When i was admiring cakes and sweets in the shop. Someone taped my shoulder.

??? : do you want to try something new? i made them today.

Yn : oh! Jungkook!

Jungkook : Hye miss y/n. I though you almost forgot me?

Yn : ah no how can I forget you.
I smiled

Jungkook : this new flavour cupcakes i just made it today, Want to try?

Yn : YES!!
she take cupcake from his hand and tasted it.

Yn : Waaahhhh~~~~ delicious.
I said while enjoying the cupcake.

Jungkook : it looks like they will be sold so well!!
He smiled and pat my head.

Yn : it's really so good.
I smiled brightly.

Jungkook : yn's smile can really solve all the problems.

Yn : really!

Jungkook : no doubts

They both started smiling

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They both started smiling. At the moment yn sneezed. Jungkook removed his jacket hurriedly and put it on her shoulders.

Jungkook : don't catch a cold.

Yn : ah.... But.. no it's--

Jungkook : it's raining outside, where is your umbrella? Wait for a moment.

He said and walkee away.

Some female workers was seeing them and started chatting.

"what is this all about?"

"I'm not sure but it looks like they both have some kind of relationship."

"ah! seriously!?"

Jungkook come back and give me. umbrella.


Yn pov
Why he is so romantic, nice, cute, kind and caring ahhh~~ boy should be someone like him and other side that jerk taehyung totaly different so arogant, irritating and annoying.

I come in my room and saw taehyung.

Yn : Hye!! Don't bring any of your friend again to this house okey?

Tae : why?

Yn : you already know it! If someone get to know, we will be expelled from school!!! Don't play dumb with me!
I Sneezed.

Tae : who's jacket are you wearing?

Yn : my friend jungkook lend it to me..why?
I sneezed again.

He hold my waist and pull me towards him. He put his hand on my cheek and than forehead. he take off jungkook's jacket from me and give his own jacket to me.

Tae : did you caught cold? And don't take anyone's clothes again.

Yn : why? He is my best friend.

Tae : by the way You have never been going out with any boy right?

Yn : what are you talking about, Out of blue?

Tae : or not even a date? What a good girl.
He started laughing.

Yn : that is nothing do it with you so why are you asking a-and what's with this expressions?? I'm not that pity~~ Even i never had boyfriend i still go out and hangout with my friends

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Yn : that is nothing do it with you so why are you asking a-and what's with this expressions?? I'm not that pity~~ Even i never had boyfriend i still go out and hangout with my friends.

As I said I heard the door bell.

Yn : get out of my way and don't come so close to me.

I said furiously and went to open the door. As i opened the door i saw a handsome face.

 As i opened the door i saw a handsome face

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Yn : jungkook!

To be countinue_________

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