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We did our lunch and walked out at the moment we saw taehyung and jimin having chat with eachother.

Moe : i want to go and greet him.

Joy : is it not embarrassing? When you already got rejected by him once.

Moe : who cares!! Umm yn should I go?

Yeri : taehyung is coming here!

They all started giggling while i was standing behind them hiding myself from taehyung. Yeri pushed moe in front of taehyung.

Tae : Hye!!

Moe : hyeeeeee taehyung!
She waved her hand while giggling and smiling.

Tae : not you!! The person over there.

He Pointed his finger towards me.

Yn : me?

Tae : this, the key!!
He showed the keys of my room.

I walked near him and drag him away while all the girls was so confused by the situation.

Yn : Hye you!! If our school get to know about it, we will get expelled.

Tae : why? wt's the reason?

Yn : whatever the reason, please listen to me. Or else we will get expelled from school and the keys give it to me back!

He walked away and i started following him. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and pull me inside the lab. My face hit his chest and he wrap his arm around my waist and pulled me close. He looked into my eyes and give my keys.

 He looked into my eyes and give my keys

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Tae : where is my thanks?

Yn : no..wait...stop it
I tried to push him away but i failed.

Yn : Ah~~ um~ Thanks
I said in low voice.

Tae : huh!? What?? i can't here it!

I shouted.

Yn : Huh? Your leg!!! From when it get healed?

Tae : who knows
He smirked.

Y/n : i really can't believe it.

jimin : taehyung...!!!!

As i heard jimin voice i walked outside the lab.

Jimin : taehyung let's go!!

Tae : where?!

Jimin : since you are in good mood from yesterday right? Let's go out?

Tae : no!!

Jimin : i know i know something has happened right?

They walk away while talking to each other. At the moment my all friend come to me and looked at me suspiciously.

Moe : wait.. yn!! What's the meaning of all these? Did you and taehyung live...

Yn :- key!!! Key!!! I just dropped the keys in the hall so he come to return it.

Moe :- ah my taehyung is so kind. he always help people around him.

Y/n : right~~ right~~ hahahah
I laughed nervously.

Moe : he is really cool anyway!!

To be countinue_____________

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