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As soon as the night begins, their passionate desires took over. They began to shed their wedding attire, their eyes fixed on each other as they revealed more and more skin. Taehyung quickly hold yn face into his palm and kissed her forehead.

Tae : from now on, you only belong to me and i belong to you. I will try my best to give you the happiest marriage life ever you have dreamed of.

Yn blushed and he take over her body with sweet mouthful kisses.

The room was filled with the sound of their moans and the soft rustling of the bed sheets as they explored each other's bodies with eager hands and hungry mouths. Taehyung make sure to made this night as special as possible so they never forget their wedding night.

Yn's hands traced taehyung's sculpted muscles as he moved and thrust into her body, which made her feel in heaven. As he hit right spot again and again her grip over his back gotten tighter. Every caress, every touch felt like electricity running through their bodies, igniting a fire within them that only seemed to intensify with each passing minute.

As the night went on, their passionate lovemaking continued, until finally, they both reached the ultimate level of ecstasy. They collapsed on the bed, still entangled in each other's arms, their bodies glistening with sweat and their hearts full of love.

As they lay there, catching their breath, yn couldn't help but think that this was just the beginning. Their wedding night had been everything she had ever dreamed of and more, and she knew that their love would only grow stronger from this moment on.

Taehyung pulled her closer, whispering "i love you" into her ear, and yn knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be – in the arms of her husband, her soulmate, her forever.

And as they drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the soft moonlight and the gentle sound of their breathing, yn couldn't wait to see what the future held for them as they embark on this journey of love together.


If u want to know the story after their marriage it's already out on my account, you can go and check it out.
Love syndrome

Thanks everyone to loving this story so much, i really appreciate it a lot
I love my all reader❤️


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