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Tae : so, u think u can win over me?
Wanna try?

He said challengingly and walked away.

Yn : ahh~ jungkook I'm sorry from his behalf, he is just too wierd.

Jungkook : it's okey.

Their barbeque party ends and they started packing their stuff. While taehyung was putting all the stuff in car and yeji walked near him and started passing him the stuff and Yn was stearing at them from far.

Yeji : tae...

Tae : hm.

Yeji : do you still remember our promises right?

Tae : hm.

Yeji : I'm glad.
She smiled brightly.

Taehyung looked at yn and started to walk near her at the moment jungkook hold his arm and stopped him.

Jungkook : hye!! Can you stop being with yn and annoying her.

Tae : huh?

Jungkook : for 1st, i just come here for yn sake and if you hurt her in any way i will not leave you.
He said furiously.

Tae : hyung

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Tae : hyung.....You sounds cool.
He looked at jungkook and smirked.


Yn : it's cold here right?

Yeji : tae and me, we know eachother from so long time and our relationship is really strong. We are so close.

Yn : is that so.
I smiled.

Yeji : poor yn isn't it?

Yn : huh?

Yeji : taehyung have never dated anyone if you come to like him it's just a waste of time.

Yn : ah...No it's not like that I don't have any fellings for him.

Yeji rolled her eyes and walked away.


I was lying on my bed trying to sleep while It was raining lot outside and loud thunderstorm was making me sacred. I was not able to sleep so i wakeup and sit on my bed, i looked at taehyung who was sleeping peacefully. When i heard loud thunderstorm, i got chills all over me.

Tae : what happened. It's just thunder.
He said Sleepy voice.

Yn : hmm right.
I lay down and got scared every time i heard thunder.

Tae : there is no need to be scared.

Yn : I'm not scared. I'm okey.

Taehyung slide his hand on my side of bed and tell me to take it and sleep. I hold his hand and went to sleep.

Meanwhile taehyung was stearing at her when she was sleeping.


I walked downstairs in the way to go school and saw landlady watering the plants. I walked near her with big smile.

Yn : good morning.

Landlady : good morning yn. Last night, storms was so loud. It rained a lot.

Yn : yes and I'm really afraid of them!
I said while sad face.

Landlady : since you have taehyung. you can be relieved right?

Yn : hahahah No......That's-
I looked around nervously.

Landlady : ohh right yn, would you like to go to the amusement park? My friend give me two tickets of it, if we didn't use it, it will come to such a waste and i don't have any time to go.

Yn : ah.. than i will go there with moe.
I took the tickets from her.

Taehyung come and grabbed the 1 ticket from my hands.

Tae : i will go. Thank you.
He said and smiled at landlady.

Yn : huh?

Tae : than!! meet you there at 4p.m.
He said to me and walked away.

Yn : ah!! Taehyung!! Wait!! Give it to me back....Taehyung!!!!


I was standing in the amusement park and waiting for taehyung.

Yn : ahh~~ he is so late!

I looked around and saw lot of girl with tone of makeup and pretty dresses. I opened my school bag and picked up the little mirror and start adjusting my hairs.

Yn : ahh? it's not a date. Why I'm doing this!

At moment tae come and teasingly hit my head and start forward. I looked at him and run behind him.

Yn : wait for me.

Tae : yn, let's make it as practice.

Yn : what?

Tae : DATE.

He turned back and hold my hand. he bend on my height and looked into my eyes.

Tae : who knows if i might fall in love with you

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Tae : who knows if i might fall in love with you.

He Winked.

To be continues_____________

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